[Userscript] Overall Progress Bars

The update I posted above should fix that as well.

I copied that but somehow it still doesn’t work, but I have no idea of such things so that might be the reason

Did you try different positions on page?

You mean on like Tampermonkey?

The script has its own settings where you can choose where is it inserted. And you can also try moving it up in tampermonkey, right below the framework script.

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somehow this didn’t change anything for me

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Your edits worked for me as well. Thank you!!!

Edit. I am going to have to retract my earlier statement about it working. Or rather clarify that it seems to be working but broke other things. Depending on where I locate the progress bars it wants to break things such as Recent Mistakes and potentially anything below it. It also might not work at, or seem to work fine.

In the above screenshot I have the bars located ‘Above Lessons Wide’ and it dragged Recent Mistakes up and has made the ‘Start Lesson’, ‘Advanced’ and ‘Start Reviews’ all unclickable. The cursor does not even change from the arrow on entering the buttons when Overall Progress Bars is active.

Same issues with ‘Above Lessons Narrow’.

It is not visible at all for me when located at ‘Above Level Progress’, ‘Above Extra Study’ or ‘Above Recent Mistakes’.In this case it simply seems to be broken completely.

When located at the ‘Bottom’, ‘Above Community Banner’, ‘Above Item List’, ‘Above SRS (both wide and narrow)’ it seems to be fine. But I don’t really like it there. :sob:

Soooo, it seems to work, or not work at all, or work but break things depending on where it gets located. All my testing is with Breeze Dark and Stacks in the settings. I also ended up capping it at level ten, the end of the so called “Pleasant” level as it was psychologically better for me but it did not seem to matter what this was set at. I also tried disabling other userscripts and that did not seem to matter at all.

It seems that both “Recent mistakes” and “Lessons and Reviews” blocks want to be in the same spot, which means only the top one is clickable. My guess is that another script is trying to fix the positioning the same way and they end up fighting over it. What is that graph at top? Maybe that is doing it?

If you press F12 and find the content div, do you see something like this?

You can try fixing the positions to fit them to your case. There is a CSS section that lists grid positions for all content. You may need to shift them around a little, maybe even add a slot for whatever other scripts add content.

Unfortunately, the way WK formats page is not very friendly to dynamic content as it assumes there will only be the items it adds itself. Everything else needs to be before or after. I tried to define new grids for each position, but it breaks if other script tries to inject itself the same way.

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Thank you for your reply! I will have to look into this a little later.

I have installed quite a few scripts out of curiosity, most are those of Kumirei, and most don’t work :sob:. But I have some of Robin Findley’s and some others as well and many of them don’t work. As I have been reading through old forum posts I get curious to what sorts of things the script creators have done in the past. Makes for a good break during reviews. So anyway, I will need to do some housecleaning first and then take a look at the content div. Might not be till tonight, I have 190 WK reviews besides I have to go work :cry:

Hi, just installed this script recently, but nothing seems to appear on the dashboard? Not sure if I’m doing anything wrong. Open Framework is already installed and enabled as well.

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I figured it out.
Follow these steps exactly:

  1. Go to the main Wanikani dashboard, click on your icon in the top right corner of the page. Go to Scripts → Settings → Click Overall Progress Bars.
  2. Under Position, select Above SRS counts (no other option will work, at least it didn’t for me).
  3. Press Save and close the modal window. Sorry I made you change the settings first, but after you do the following steps, the settings window no longer opens for me!
  4. Then, you’ll have to modify the script itself. This depends a bit on your setup. If you’re using Tampermonkey on Chrome, you can just visit the following URL: chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/options.html#nav=dashboard and click on the edit button in the script’s row. If the link didn’t work for you, open your script extension, find the script and then find a way to edit the code itself.
  5. Then, somewhere in the UserScript header, paste the following content: // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.7.1.slim.min.js. Here’s the image of how it’s supposed to look like:
  6. Then, save the script and head back to Wanikani’s dashboard. There, you should see the progress bars below the level progress!

It looks like this was caused because jQuery isn’t included (anymore?) in the script or the website. The solution was to include this library in the script itself.

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You’re a life saver mate, worked perfectly!

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