Ah ok, I think I’m starting to get it. So you only mix the colors of the two levels that the average is in between of? OK, that makes probably most sense actually, because if you just mix all the levels, you might always end up with brown or something?
So, let me recalculate that with the correct numbers.
For level 36, I have these numbers:
So that means (7 * 5 + 14 * 6 + 27 * 7 + 13 * 8 + 81 * 9) / 142 = 8.03 if I am not mistaken? So it’s very close to Enlightened and therefore appears as the plain Enlightened color.
That’s the general idea. It gives you an idea of how far into a level you are at a glance, it and it prevents you from getting some form of brown on each level that’s not predominantly one SRS stage. It also gives you somewhat of a nice gradient if you line all the levels up next to each other.
It does have the downside of not really giving a blended color if your average is somewhere between the 4 apprentice stages or between the two guru stages, maybe splitting those stages out into separate colors would make it more obvious?
In my opinion @Wantitled’s initial request of just mixing all weighted stage colors together makes more sense than using the stage colors as a scale and just visualizing the averaged stage. Aside from being less intuitive (in my opinion), there is also more loss of information: If you have 100 Master items and 100 Burned items, the color will be the pure color of the Enlightened stage, even though there are no enlightened items at all. So it’s not possible to differentiate between [100 Master items + 100 Burned items] and [100 Enlightened items].
Since your current implementation’s goal is to show the “completion” of a level and not the distribution of the different stages in the level, I think a simple gradient from one color (all locked) to another color (all burned) might make more sense. I would also add @Wantitled’s approach of mixing the colors as a fourth option since it serves a different purpose. But that’s just my opinion.
What I am trying out in 1.2.1 is interpolating locked/lessons and apprentice between 0 and 2.5, apprentice and guru between 2.5 and 5.5, and then guru and master between 5.5 and 7
That could work, although I think it might just end up making levels you recently started appear as locked since you wouldn’t really notice that much of a difference if you only have a few apprentice 1 items in a new level. I think a color scheme similar to what the workload graph has for the separate SRS stages might make sense. If you blended those between the various apprentice and guru SRS stages you’d see the color slowly becoming darker as you progress though the apprentice stages, before shifting to light purple once you enter guru.
I think level 40 lost a bit of its pink, though, maybe?
Also I agree with Sinyaven about the loss of information and all that, and I would also love to see what it looks like if all weighted stage colors are mixed (i.e. Wantitled’s proposal). In the end, maybe it’s just that different people get different things out of the different color options?
More color nitpicking, sorry in advance. Could you maybe use the same gold for burned items that the original Golden Burn script uses? It’s a little annoying to look at different golds side-by-side.
I did actually grab the color from the Golden Burn script, but I see now that it uses different golds in different places. I’ll get it changed tomorrow
Wow, this is so fun! I had to read through the comments to figure out the difference between single color blend and average SRS, but now that I have it’s so hard to choose! I kind of really like the grey-pink that blend produces, so I’ll probably go with that one for now. Would be pretty fun if there was an easy way to toggle between the different displays!
Would there be any way to make the # of levels shown a changeable setting? Recognize that the point of the script is to show overall progress, but as someone who is still pretty early on it would be nice to be able to reduce to x-axis to something like 15 or 30 for the time being.
Love the userscript. Watching the bars slowly filling is very motivating. Especially now that I reset my progress .
Does anyone by chance knows if I can also get the bars to properly show in a mobile browser? Currently it only shows lvl 20 to 45. The rest is cut off.