[Userscript] Enhanced Levels Overview

I think that if you make the tooltip pop out a few more pixels to the side, it might make the switch between levels more fluid. Right now it’s sitting right on top the other level (red is the cursor):

When comparing it with the ultimate timeline’s, you’ll notice that the levels overview tooltip has a lot more padding you might want to cut down some. The font size is the same except for the level title; the main difference is in the padding.


I agree. Thanks for all the feedback!

I just pushed an update that shrinks the overall size of the tooltip a little bit (including reducing the padding), and also adds a settings popup with a setting to hide/show the next review character.

Big thanks to @rfindley for the WK open framework. It is an incredibly library to work with and saved so much time. The settings save/load is super convenient.


You’re a star! I’ll update the script once I’m on the pc and let you know how it goes :+1:t2:

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Just updated the script to also include the best-case-scenario burn date in the tooltip when hovering over a specific level. I was often finding myself hovering over the levels to see which was “closest” to being burned, so this date can be pretty interesting for some.

PS: I reset my account so my ability to test was pretty limited, and also the updated tooltip pic is kinda sad


So I’m curious… What is the standard way people expect “unlocked but unstarted” items to show up? Locked or apprentice? I got a question about it on my greasyfork page and I’m running into it a bit myself.

Specifically in the scenario currently where I just leveled up to 15 but because I’m only sorting the items based on assignments.srs_stage and I’ve done no lessons yet, the script shows that the level is still 100% locked. I could use assignments.unlocked_at and consider unlocked items as apprentice, but wasn’t sure if that would be confusing?

There is an srs_stage 0 which is called “Initiate” for items that are unlocked but the lesson hasn’t been taken yet.

Locked items in levels above mine currently show as srs_stage 0 as well as unlocked (initiated) ones. Although this may be a remnant as a result of resetting, or just how WKOF is returning the data from the API?

Regardless, I can use unlocked_at to differentiate locked/initiated and it works just fine. My question is if they should be counted towards the locked or apprentice count in my script, as I really don’t want to add an entire section/count and color for “initiated” items.

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I think locked, since they are unavailable and inactive


locked items and unlessoned items are usually bunched in other scripts (such as progress bars) because the only difference is the reason you haven’t started them (either you can’t or you just haven’t). Locked items do have a separate stage indicator (-1) but maybe the reset functionality doesn’t use that value. Anything above your current level is automatically locked though.


Ok. Wasn’t sure how other scripts were handling this case but definitely want to keep it consistent. So for my script I’ll leave as is (grouped with locked) for now, and instead just remove the lock icon when on the current level when no items are lessoned yet

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It’s the “unavailable” part that’s tripping me up here. Because it is available for lesson, in which it being classified as “locked” is by definition false and so I personally was leaning towards apprentice…

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By the same logic it is not yet apprentice since no lessons were taken. You are leaning toward something that is false either way.

Personally I think Initiate is closer to Locked than Apprenticed because the SRS interval hasn’t started until the lesson is taken. I have items that stayed in Initiate for months because I don’t take lessons. Apprentice implies a short SRS interval.

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I think users care about what they have learned, and by that metric there is no difference between a locked item and an initiate


okay but why is burned automatically gold? i don’t want it gold, just because everyone else has gold doesn’t mean i should.

I picked gold because there needs to be color distinction between burned and locked, and I figured most people using scripts are familiar with gold/yellow = burned. I might consider making it configurable, but I’m very curious what alternatives you were thinking other than gold?

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Plain black works doesn’t it? If a level has a lock on it you can definitely tell what is locked and what isn’t. When something is burned I think it should be turned black as that’s the colour you get if you burn something, and it’s more appropriate. Also I know this isn’t part of it, but as for the total bar colour(s), grey, pink, purple, blue, light blue, and black can all be included signifying it includes all of those. Maybe?

I’m probably not going to change it on the main script because the bright contrast of gold burns makes it much easier to see burn progress at a quick glance, but you can modify it within your dashboard pretty easily (I’m assuming you’re using tampermonkey) to show WK’s default black burn if you prefer.

change line 531 to background-color: #434343;
change line 532 to background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #505050, #282828);
change line 615 to background-color: #434343;

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Just submitted update 2.2.2 that removes jquery usages, and fixes various issues when using the level details popup inside a specific level’s webpage!


Thanks for this script!! I was looking for exactly that!!

Love this, thanks!

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