I can’t believe I haven’t made a thread for this already!
This script adds a button in the replybox toolbar, that converts simple syntax to furigana code. When you click the button the script automatically turns
<漢字>[かんじ] into <ruby>漢字<rp>(</rp><rt>かんじ</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>, which displays as 漢字
<漢字>{かんじ} into <ruby>漢字<rp>(</rp><rt><span class="spoiler">かんじ</span></rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> which displays as 漢字
Using this script on Firefox with Tampermonkey is only possible if you disable a certain security setting due to a strict Content Security Policy. If you wish to use this script and not switch script handler to something which does work (such as Violentmonkey), you can disable the CSP by going to about:config, searching for security.csp.enable and setting it to false.
Hey, yeah I am aware of this issue. It doesn’t seem possible to use any script at all on the forums using Tampermonkey on Firefox unless you disable a certain security setting. It seems to be a Firefox or Tampermonkey issue rather than a script issue. I’ve tried, but there doesn’t seem to be anything that I can do about it. I don’t remember what the setting was, but I could look it up later if you want me to