Have you ever encountered a mnemonic that either doesn’t seem to stick or just doesn’t work for you? You probably have and that’s why I made a userscript that adds new sections for every Kanji and Vocabulary item by which WaniKani users can easily share their own alternative mnemonics with the community. All users with the script are able to see and vote on these mnemonics where a mnemonic’s score determines whether it comes before or after others. All the data is contained in a single Google spreadsheet that contains the data for each community mnemonic, though users will never actually have to edit or even access the spreadsheet as they are able to submit these mnemonics the same way they add meaning and reading notes.
Item pages (editing a mnemonic):
List Pages:
Q. The script worked fine before but it stopped working and now it won’t load on any page!
A. Try clearing your WaniKani cookies from your browser.
Q. My mnemonic was deleted! What happened?
A. This could be for one of four reasons. The first is that the I found something so wrong with it that I deleted it. The second is that it was somehow misdirected to the wrong item (I’ve seen this happen a couple times but it may have been the error of the user for all I know) or was posted on the wrong item by the user and was moved by myself. The third is that it was downvoted by users enough for it to reach a score of -10 where it is automatically deleted. The final reason is that it was somehow overwritten due to a coding error. If you have reason to believe that this final reason is the most likely case, please report it as I have only seen it happen to my own mnemonics and I’m not sure if it was before or after I modified the script so it (hopefully) wouldn’t do this.
Q. My item request was deleted and there are still no mnemonics for the item!
A. This could result from someone posting and then deleting a mnemonic on the item and type that you requested.
Q. Someone posted a mnemonic with an inappropriate image (eg. pornographic, targeted hate, gore).
A. If you don’t mind people knowing, make a post in this thread. If you do, downvote it in hopes that it will eventually be automatically deleted. I also will delete it if I find it.
Q. Can I view the database/spreadsheet?
A. If you manage to find it, go ahead. I would prefer that no one edit the spreadsheet. Editing the spreadsheet can result in glitches and even cause the script to stop working for everybody.
Q. I’m mad at the world and I want to delete/corrupt the database so the script won’t work for anybody.
A. I can access old versions in the history, so you’d really just be wasting both of our time.
Q. I want to add on to this script but there are no comments so I can’t read it.
A. I never planned on people adding on to the script but if you are particularly interested and have some good ideas, you can request for me to comment my code in this thread. Until the time that someone does that, I’ll find it to be unnecessary.
Q. I wanted to edit a mnemonic I already created in the past (outside of the current review) that showed up in a review but the edit button is acting like the submit button and vice-versa!
A. I’m actually not sure why this happens and it doesn’t even happen all the time (I’ve tried testing for it before and to no avail). I’ll probably figure it out eventually but, until then, I suggest you avoid pressing any buttons in this case and just edit it on the item’s page.
Other Scripts: Scrollbox, Burn Reviews
Download (v0.9.7.8)
Most recent change(s): Fixed the problem where the update message would always show and give a spam of html text that resulted from Greasy Fork updating their website; replaced some code that could possibly prevent certain functions of other scripts from working correctly.
You need Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome) to use this script.
Greasemonkey (Firefox)
Tampermonkey (Chrome)