[Userscript] Burn Manager (Review / Resurrect / Retire)

I don’t think there’s any way around it. Last I knew, the only way to resurrect and retire is via a direct PUT request (i.e. not the API).

I think the best I could do, if I had time, would be to add a loop to retry until the rate limit releases. The Open Framework already does that for API requests, but since retire/resurrect doesn’t use the API, the script isn’t using the Open Framework.


That would certainly work.

Right now, the user has to process this about 2 times per level because of the rate limit. Unfortunately, I needed to refresh the browser each time I wanted to resurrect items.

I have some questions about resurrect and retire.

  • I understand that resurrecting an item means that it is no more burned. What will be its SRS stage afterwards?
  • If I resurrect all my burned items, will they all show up at the same time for the next review after xx hours/days (xx depending on the SRS stage they get)?
  • What does retire mean? Is it an immediate burn (after a resurrection)?

Sorry if these questions have been answered before, but I didn’t find the answers.

Pretty sure it’s Apprentice 1

Pretty sure they go right into your review pile

Yep. Pretty sure that a resurrected item can be burned again at any time.

I say pretty sure on all of these because it’s been a good while since I did any resurrecting


Thanks for your pretty sure answers, @kumirei.
So WK knows that an item had been burned before and resurrected? I suppose that retiring is only possible for previously resurrected items.

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Nice animated answer!
However I don’t know if I will ever burn the example you chose (暮れる). That’s a tough one.

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I chose it because I once burned it as “to live” and had to resurrect it when I realized that was wrong sweat_smile

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Is it possible to implement a (configurable) target level for the resurrection? I would consider resurrecting all my burned items, but I don’t want them to go to apprentice 1.

Unburning to Enlightened or Master would be nice, then

  • if I still know the item, it is burned again
  • if I don’t remember it, it goes down in the SRS stages and I will learn it once more.
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Unfortunately, no. Wanikani’s interface doesn’t have a way to specify the SRS level when resurrecting.


I cannot seem to find the scripts under the menu.

This is exactly what I want too (and I imagine basically everyone who has a bunch of burned items, no?).
Unburning to Enlightened makes so much more sense, you either know it for real and it’s burned again or you put it back in the queue (just not way down to apprentice 1).

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Hello, I can’t seem to get it to bulk revive everything. Any advice?

EDIT: Never mind. I was trying to do all levels at once, it somewhat works when I do them one level at a time. Sometimes an error pops up saying too many at once, but its okay.

Sorry for the slow response… Yeah, it’s probably due to the Wanikani server’s rate-limit. I vaguely remember adding some code to make it patiently wait for the limit to ease off, but I don’t remember if there’s any feedback to indicate that it’s still trying.

From what I’ve read here using Burn Manager resets to Apprentice I, is this still correct?

If that’s the case does anyone have any input on the best way to do this or what has worked best for them? Did you reset all radicals, kanji, and vocab back to Apprentice I? That seems like it could be overwhelming or discouraging if you’ve truly forgotten everything and have to work back up to burning it from the very bottom. If you took a different route how did you decide what to reset?

Just looking to see what others think or if anyone has any tips for getting back into it. I’ve had to step away for sometime while completing my post grad so I’m rusty.

Yeah same, I slacked off on WK for a few months and now I have almost 2000 reviews piled up :sweat_smile: and it seems I’ve forgotten a good number of stuff I’ve burned since then, so any tips for how to wisely wield this script would be great for me too.

I’d think Burn Manager would just make that problem worse.

I’d just reset to a level you feel comfortable with and go from there.

I’ve come to that decision, I’m just going to reset back until the review pile is pretty much gone. A pile that big has just proven to be too much for me to feel motivated to chip away at.

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That’s a great idea - speaking from experience…

Nothing wrong with reviewing your old burns later on, use Self-Study Quiz to review one level at a time, and resurrect stuff you forgot. (Only do this after your Reviews are manageable, and don’t try to do it all at once.)

Does anybody know whether the script still works after the big WK update this year?