[Userscript] Burn Manager (Review / Resurrect / Retire)

While I have been trying it a few months ago, UI as of now is mostly OK…

SVG are broken, but are alright on hover.

Also, I get rate-limited when using it.

Yeah I don’t think there’s a lot that can be done about the rate limit. It’s not an issue of not working, it’s that there isn’t a way to bulk resurrect/retire with the API. From looking at the code it seems like it tries to make the requests in batches of at most 5 but they’ll still be done one at a time. See comment from rfindley below:

Separate issue I noticed while looking at it, it does not fetch kana vocabulary. Probably no one’s noticed because they’ll rarely feel the need to reset those.

I’m almost positive that it does not do anything related to the rate limit. I checked the code for any type of waiting, but there’s nothing there.

That being said, I modified the script to read the rate limit. Wildly, the rate limit information doesn’t get published until you’re already rate limited (e.g. it tells you how many requests you have left before you’re rate limited, which will always be 0).

I implemented a log in the console to tell you that you’ve been rate limited and how long you need to wait for it to continue. There’s probably a better way to do it but that’s what we have for now.

I would love for these changes to be pulled into this script if you’re at all inclined @rfindley

Edit: I’m currently working on changing the state of a lot of items myself. Unfortunately you’re limited to 120 requests per minute, which means say 5k items will take 40m at best (and actually longer because it seems there are other requests that will be happening concurrently, taking up your limit)

Edit 2: I previously made a mistaken statement about when the rate limit was added.

plugin appears to be broken, both on firefox and google chrome. It installs, but when clicking the “burn manager” button, I get this in the console and nothing else happens:

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
add_mgr moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:202
open_burnmgr moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:52
insert_script_link https://www.wanikani.com/# line 7 > injectedScript:281
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/#:7
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/#:7
insert_script_link https://www.wanikani.com/# line 7 > injectedScript:270
startup moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:42
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/#:7
promise callback*Me/i.prototype.then https://www.wanikani.com/#:7
window[“__f__m58q4sm6.3fq”]/</< moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:37
window[“__f__m58q4sm6.3fq”]/< moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:554
Pt https://www.wanikani.com/#:10
window[“__f__m58q4sm6.3fq”]/< moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:1
“__f__m58q4sm6.3fq” moz-extension://13aca328-60e0-4909-b8ca-67d19121e5fa/userscripts/Wanikani-Burn-Manager-Updates.user.js?id=33874bee-3a6b-4b1f-b5e6-a931ce56f220:1
Pt https://www.wanikani.com/#:10
r https://www.wanikani.com/#:85
_ https://www.wanikani.com/#:22

When using chrome, I get this:
(index):7 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at add_mgr (userscript.html?name…-8ad568c03ef4:202:9) at Object.open_burnmgr [as on_click] (userscript.html?name…-8ad568c03ef4:52:25) at HTMLLIElement. (:281:11) at HTMLLIElement.nrWrapper ((index):7:17880)

add_mgr @ userscript.html?name…83-8ad568c03ef4:202
open_burnmgr @ userscript.html?name…a83-8ad568c03ef4:52
(anonymous) @ VM868:281
nrWrapper @ (index):7

unsure what’s broken or how to fix: I’m a desktop dev, not a webdev

I suspect this one has been broken for a long time… at least since March or April. Unfortunately, I’m no longer maintaining it.

The primary problem is that Wanikani no longer uses Jquery, so there is a chance it might still work if you simply add Jquery back in via Open Framework:

See lines 33-34 of the script:


Also, you may have to do a browser refresh immediately before trying to open the script, because it is not aware of Wanikani’s new Turbo-based navigation.