I want to talk about representation of readings on this site. After passed some levels I still don’t understand why WaniKani doesn’t use Katakana for Onyomi readings. It wil help a lot to distinguish this readings duirng learning phase. And it’s normal practice in Japan.
I tried to search quiestion here about this but failed. So please point me to the write thread if it was discussed before.
By the way I really love WaniKani even if I don’t spend a lot of time here now I’m able to understand meaning of Japanese sentences even without knowledge of grammar.
This is a dictionary convention, like putting the dots between the parts of words where you’re supposed to make line breaks in English dictionaries. It is not “normal practice” to write onyomi in katakana in Japan, unless you are writing a dictionary.
I’m sorry I didn’t found it. And didn’t know that it only for dicionaries.
But anyway may it be better?
Because currently when I see new Kanji it have just one (or two) reading without any clarification is it Onyomi or Kunyomi.
With this dictionary practice it can be obvious.
By the way will start to use userscript suggested by @deadpadre
I’d consider this one as it doesn’t convert the input field to katakana for on’yomi. Which I personally feel like it’s cheating as you can just type something to see if it’s on’yomi or kun’yomi that’s being asked for.
I think it is useful to differentiate the readings in some way because without it you just learn them as if they where all the same. But there is a difference. Some of them are on’yomi and some of them are kun’yomi and if you take the time to learn about 2000 kanji why don’t you want to make the most out of it.
And what you consider as cheating is that you no longer need to memorize what reading wanikani wants from you and I think this is a good thing because such knowledge is worthless and differs from app to app.
I think you misunderstood me. I’m not against katakana on’yomi reading. I’m totally for it and I have the userscript I’ve linked installed. And I chose this one over the one that @deadpadre linked, because it doesn’t convert the input field, so I have to recall what reading is being asked for. All other occurances of an on’yomi reading are still converted to katakana, so I can instantly see that it’s on’yomi.