Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

Please let this be optional.

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Ahh this is what I was trying to say but much more concisely put. Cheers!


The mobile app doesn’t work, it no longer loads my lessons and reviews. It says net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

Adding my voice to the chorus.

UI Updates - It just looks worse on desktop. So much empty space, and I can’t imagine why the greens don’t match. To me it actually looks less consistent with the rest of the site.

User Synonyms in Lessons - Unironically great thank you for this, although it does seem a long-time coming.

Session Timeouts - I am ambivalent. Who is really starting a lesson, leaving for hours, and wants to start where they left off? I don’t mind it, but if this necessitates other changes I don’t think it’s worth it.

Hotkeys - Never used them, no opinion.

It’s annoying that you are no longer asked if you are ready for your quiz in lessons. Occasionally I accidentally move to items without learning them, and I foresee this being a minor headache without the option to delay the quiz.

Summary Pages - Removing these was the worst part of the update by far for me. Things like this are the most addictive and motivating part of WaniKani. Also very useful for quickly reviewing what you got wrong.

User Scripts - I appreciate that you took steps to make this update easier for scripters but given the confusion and frustration on display here there must be a better way.

Bigger updates might be easier for scriptwriters short-term, but if the core website is good the motivation to write/update the scripts will be there. It’s possible that keeping the updates smaller and more adaptable to community feedback is the way to go. Smaller updates might mean less work to update a userscript per update as well. I’m no expert though.



I’m trying and failing to find the thread about the update for the plugin developers I know it was somewhere earlier I can’t see it though :confused:

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Actually just noticed something new. When doing reviews, when I finish my last item it doesn’t flash green to say I’ve got it right, it just instantly drops me back into the WK homepage (without a summary). I mean, obviously I can infer that I got it right, but with every other item you have to press enter to move to the next item, giving you a chance to review the item information if you want to.

It’s like you’re doing your reviews and then suddenly
 you’re back in the homepage. Just like that.

Also without the summary page, I wonder what happens when new reviews get unlocked while you’re currently doing reviews? You know when you hit the summary page and it says new reviews have appeared?


New reviews have appeared still works ok. It’s a shame that you have to refresh the dashboard page when you hit the next hour though, since new reviews have appeared works fine?

I agree 110%. I thought maybe I was hitting Enter twice by mistake or something - but it’s clearly gone. Please bring it back for Reviews! For Lessons I don’t mind.

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This one?

Yes. I’m trying to find where someone pointed out removing the session summary might be a bad idea in that thread and see what the response was.

Even if the review page is brought back, I would still really like to hear the rationale for removing it in the first place

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Doing it all server side and not using browser local storage seems to be the reason (and rolling it out before deciding whether that was a good idea).


Right. The one that I might have seen had they not also chosen to remove the semi-random forum topic promotion from the bottom of the dashboard about a month ago.

Also, the development team had to know that this was going to break almost all user scripts. To which the language “see how they may affect any of your user scripts” is not nearly alarming enough.

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How do I change E back to Spacebar?

really really really really disappointed in the wk dev team now
 I mean geez
to break the scripts 
 still not build a proper leech manager / built in leech system
and then to take away and not provide a built in undo for typos
FFS really just driving users away

really this is just shameful
hours and hours a day on this platform
your users are PEOPLE at the other end of the screen
 it’s really a sad day and it seems like wk doesn’t actually care about it’s users anymore

come on and roll this garbage back 
 already dying with hundreds of leeches and now typos are just adding to the pile


After 21 hours, around 8,000 likes for 1,000 negative comments for the most part.

1 out of 8 users complaining is a pretty bad ratio for an update.


I’ve posted so many times here. Sorry for being a whiner, but I’ve been on WK for years and years and loved it. Just annoying.

If you remember a few years ago they added a feature where if you typed the meaning in the reading input, or vice versa it would shake and remind you it’s looking for reading and not meaning (or the other way around). This was useful, because when you’re powering through reviews sometimes you type the wrong one, especially since it’s completely random as to whether it asks you for the meaning or reading first.

It seems an odd thing to suddenly remove. If I remember correctly, when it was introduced the response was quite positive.


Remove your E key from the keyboard, and the space bar. Place the E key into one of the contacts where the space bar switch used to be. Use a small knife or saw to cut the space bar down to a size where it will fit in the E slot. ET VIOLA!


-1 on removing summaries after lessons, I really want that back. Overall this update feels really not good. The new cards under the words when quizing feel much more cluttered and less readable. Can i bring back the old UI?


I’ve just been promoted in trust level and I can now see whether people are posting here for the first time (a lot of them) or have posted for the first time in over a year (also a lot)
 which says a lot really