Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

Looks like the review summary has gone because of a refactor of the code so there is no timeout, and everything has been done on the server, which is a classic case of refactoring to make something “better” with nor regard to the consequences of said refactor and no easy way to reimplement it purely on the server side. And then say “it’s not a bug it’s a feature, use this most unsatisfactory workaround instead” :wink:


Welp, this is it for me. I’ve actually regretted not buying into the lifetime deal for level 60s, that was offered in January, because my current plan is running out in May. I really wanted to burn every single item there is on WK, but at this point it’s just not worth the trouble anymore.

I’ve been on here for 6 years now, restarted many times and took a really long break in between, but half a year ago I finally made it to level 60. This journey wasn’t easy, mainly due to my own procrastination and lack of self-control, but I made it nonetheless and wanted to go all the way to 100% completion. Sadly, this “update” showed me that this isn’t worth it for me anymore.

Once again most of my user scripts down work, once again you’ve added some features that I personally don’t care about and somehow even removed a crucial feature that I used all the time (summary page). I seriously don’t get it, this website is literally being carried by the user script community.

I mean, you haven’t even managed to create a dark theme in those six years. According to a survey on Android Authority, 81.9% of people use dark mode on their android phones, so I doubt I’m in the minority of people who want a dark theme. Like, your current theme is literally just white, the brightest and whitest white you could find, because staring for hours at a bright white screen is good for your eyes, right?

Guess who fixed this problem? The community. Who broke it (again)? You.

There are people here who work for free to greatly improve this website, and the people that get paid to work on this site, continuously break that hard work.

But hey, you finally fixed the time-out thing, I guess I can finally retire that user script from 2015!!! now. :clap:t3:

Sorry for the rant, but this has happened way too many times in recent years. I mean, I just wanted to do my daily reviews, and instead I have to readjust my complete workflow again. Yeah, no thanks.

P.S. I just canceled my current plan and wanted to remove my CC details, but because my current plan is still running until May, I can’t. Wow, I’ve already paid for a whole year IN ADVANCE, so why do you need to hold my CC info hostage?!


I don’t know where we file bugs, but it seems like when you expand information, the information is lagging by 1 item. Aka, it’s showing me the info for the last submitted input and not the current one.

Also I don’t know if this is intentional, but Enter + Enter no longer goes to the next itme. I now have to do Enter + Tab + Enter :frowning:

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Exactly. Small incremental changes are much better for legacy software.


According to many comments, this update seemed like a disaster (災害). I don’t blame the faithful users. This update seemed somewhat “backward” to me, too. I believe if things are not broken, don’t fix them.
I do not appreciate the update removing the "accuracy percentage (i.e. summary page). I take my learning Japanese seriously, and I wanted to know how much I remembered and how I am progressing. Learning a language takes courage (勇気). If you can’t face the mistakes (間違い) you’ve made and improve, go somewhere else. Wanikani shouldn’t lower its standard for babies who can’t take responsibility for learning a language.


Thanks for the update <3

You make it sound like that’s an insurmountable change that makes a review screen fundamentally impossible, when in fact it is a small, easily worked-around hurdle.

For example, when an answer is given, if it’s been more than 45 minutes since the previous answer, then this should be considered as part of a new “review” for the review screen.

Thanks for the update!

Just to chime in with some of the already mentioned feedback:

  • The black box around text input during review is distracting. It was better before with the focus on the text and input.
  • Summary screen was great. A nice reward after reviews to see how much you have done and also be able to grasp your performance for the session.
  • I liked it when enter progressed to the next item.

I appreciate the effort to improve the mobile UI but its just awful on desktop now. When doing reviews the kanji and text box are way up at the top of the screen. It was already a problem for large monitors and the update has made it a lot worse.

The layout of the reading/meaning pane is also just a big downgrade on desktop. So much blank space forces completely unnecessary scrolling. Speaking of scrolling, the auto scroll is very jarring. I use the keybind to open the pane so I’m already looking at where the information should be on the page but instead I’m waiting for the page to finish scrolling. The worst part is it doesn’t even need to scroll on my monitor… I can see the meaning and reading just fine.

I understand that its a lot more work, but you might need to just accept that a heavily mobile focused UI isn’t suitable for the desktop and you might need to have a version for each.


I am not a huge fan of the layout changes, but I can chalk that up to a layout change I will get used to in time.

However, I do strongly miss the Summary page and the Enter key for next lesson. I honestly thought I wouldn’t mind the loss of the summary page when I first read the change list this morning. Then I did some reviews this evening and found it jarring without that page to tell me how I did!


Pretty sure getting rid of the idea of a session was poorly thought through as well.

Session starts (server side) when the “Review” button is pressed. Ends when the review is finished or you quit to dashboard? Remember everything that happens in between? There’s like 9000 items on WK? And if you want to store a time stamp for session start end that’s not very much data either?

If server memory is an issue (no idea how it would be) just throw away the summary screen and say the session was too long? Rather than cancel it for everyone?

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Also - if you refactor something, make sure it works the same as before (unless how it worked before was bugged).

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Second this. I am very dependent on user scripts for retyping - sometimes synonyms that aren’t registered or simply typos that I make. I won’t be practising WK until the user scripts are updated, there’s no point in being downgraded on words that I know I know, time is too precious for that.


I don’t care what other people think, these changes make @TofuguJenny 様 the True Hero of WaniKani in my book.


A bit late to the party, brief impressions:

  • post-review summary defo has to come back. It’s super useful to repeat once more the items I got wrong after AND before next review. Please revert.
  • as a mildly color-blind person, I really dislike new palette. Now it’s almost impossible for me to say whether answer is right or wrong, as green/red notification over acid-pink background look almost identical to me unless I really get out of the zone and read it. Please revert.
  • in reviews bottom part with reading / meaning is big now, have to scroll extensively to find correct reading / meaning. Before it was succinct and sufficient, I really don’t get the point of this change.

Thanks for fixing problem with typing input losing focus, otherwise it’s a botched deploy. Would be best to revert old design and start polishing new one on a separate domain using feedback from this topic.


Sorry for the continuing comments, I am actually happy that most of my essential plug ins remain working. But the black box around the active response entry has had a fun side effect with Dark Reader where it becomes extremely white, which is very bright and likely to cause me eye strain. I am going to try to figure out a custom solution but I wanted to make sure this was known since I know Dark Reader is a very popular plug in that people like me use to make sites without dark mode accessible.

Edit: if you use Dark Reader, add this to your file under wanikani (which existed for me):

.quiz-input__input {
  /* Remove focus ring on input */
  outline: none;

Please bring back the Summary Pages. They were useful and immediate feedback.


Well, this was a rather unpleasant surprise. I understand the need for the mobile implementation, but you don’t have to break the PC version while doing it.
The main issues for me are:

  • design of the review screen doesn’t use all available real estate - the fonts are much smaller than they could be. Also I really dislike the black frame around the input box, though this is just a habit, I can get used to it.
  • I think summary pages were very useful to estimate your success and note the most stubborn items. I don’t understand the motivation for removing them.
  • Using Enter key to go through the lessons was very convenient. Again, don’t break PC version for the sake of mobile, especially when most of you userbase uses PC.
  • I am not a heavy script user, but I will really miss the Anime phrases one. It added a lot of fun and motivation for me. Hopefully the owner will decide to fix it.
    Overall, this was rather a disappointment. Not to the point of leaving the platform yet, I invested too much time into it already, but I really hope it won’t happen again.

To add onto textheavy:

  • I can no longer tell how many review I went through (this was usually displayed when the meaning and reading were both correct in the quiz).
  • I can no longer see a results screen for the reviews I just took (which helped a ton for retention for me).

Many others are going to repeat these sentiments, but going through 950+ posts is quite daunting unfortunately.

I wish they had rolled out a Beta for this instead of just a full-on update that would drastically change the site as such.


I don’t think it is fair to say to “support the [userscript] devs if you appreciate their third party add-ons”. Most of us users on WaniKani fleshed out a fair sum of money for a superior kanji learning experience and they want us to pay more $ for volunteers that actually make it the WaniKani web app worthwhile? So much of that WaniKani dev time that went towards unecessary “improvements” (i.e. removing the summary page) could have been spent towards integrating userscripts as permanent options in the WK app or at least paying the top 5 most popular user script developers to update their scripts for the community.


No more session timeouts :smiley:

Synonyms in lessons :smiley:

Black box around input :frowning:

No more summary page :cry:

Some of the new colours look out of place :confused:

The only one that really gets me is the lack of summary page. It was super useful to rapidly revise kanji that I was getting wrong and double check info about them after a session. I also used the overall percentage as a personal metric for how well I was doing that day and how many new lessons I should do, in combination with the apprentice quantity on the home page.

If I’m in a bad mood and feel like I’m getting a lot wrong. I’ll demotivate myself. But then seeing what I consider a decent percentage at the end stops me focusing on the few that irritated me and see that I’m still learning overall. It’s a nice little ‘wrap up’ and decompression moment. Now it just ends and throws me back to the homepage abruptly. I really don’t like it.

The new colours and black box around the input just need another take. I know you want to highlight the box to show that we’re able to type in there. I have, many times, thought it was highlighted and typed nothing. But in my opinion it’s just a bit too strong. It should either be thinner and lighter, or the box should be dimmer and clearly inactivated when you can’t type in it. The clean UI was always a strong point of WaniKani. This black box is kind of an eyesore that matches nothing else on the site.