We’re making a small change to the way we track your logged-in/logged-out status 2021-07-20T17:30:00Z.
Sadly, that means that everybody’s going to be forced to re-authenticate. We tried to find ways to not do that, since it’s inconvenient, but there’s no practical way around it. Thanks for your understanding and patience!
Addendum: We’re also fixing an old logic problem with the way sessions (staying logged in) are handled. We’ve got that “remember me” box that makes your session stick around, even if you close your browser window. That works the way it should. The only problem is that not checking it behaves exactly the same way. So, that’s getting fixed at the same time. If you don’t check the box and quit out of your browser, you’ll have to log back into WaniKani. That’s a good thing for things like public or shared computers! Also, security.
This is just good practice in general - use a password manager and generate strong passwords with it while you only need to remember how to get into the manager