Unlocking New Kanji in earlier Lessons

Hey everyone! I’m still relatively new here (level 8, two months in)

I keep unlocking radicals and kanji from earlier levels that I didn’t have when I was doing those levels. For example, as I’m working through level 8 the Level 6 radical/kanji for House all of a sudden popped up in my lessons. Anyone else have this? Is it a bug?

Just hoping to see if this is a common issue or not!


This usually happens when radicals or kanji are moved from one level to another. House (家) used to be a level 45 radical – now it’s level 6, so it now appears among your radicals.

The WaniKani team works constantly to improve it, so sometimes new items are added and sometimes existing ones are moved to other levels so that more common items are learned sooner.


Makes sense! Thanks


Hi @JLuckenbaugh!

As @trunklayer said (thanks!) it’s because we’re moving some things around. Since you’re level 8, you’ll notice that the following items have been added to your lesson queue, since I just moved them:

You can check out this post for a list of movements and their reasoning :blush: