Typing hiragana WaniKani vs "real world"

I’ve noticed that when I switch my keyboard over to hiragana (mac or pc) that the typing input into google or a word doc or whatever can be different from what I’ve practiced in WaniKani, and this can be frustrating. For instance ’ちょ’ can be typed “chyo” in wanikani, but you will get 'cひょ’ if you try that on any other input with the japanese keyboard. Instead you have to type ‘cyo’.

Now, WaniKani also accepts all of these shortcut or abbreviated romanji of hiragana. what I’m looking for is a chart or guide to the shortest inputs for all hiragana on default mac/pc japanese keyboard. Such as ‘cyo’ for ‘ちょ’ and ‘ju’ for ‘じゅ’. Even better, would be a user script that makes WaniKani only accept the mac/pc japanese keyboard inputs, so you don’t learn to use the longer chyo or whatever.

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They’ve recently removed some other non-standard inputs, so they might just remove “chyo” if you were to ask them via email.

Personally, I go with “cho” but it’s the same length as “cyo” so either is as efficient.

Out of curiosity, is there some reason you realized it accepts “chyo” to begin with? I used WK for a long time and it didn’t occur to me to try it even.


I’m pretty sure I’ve typed things like “chyo.” It stems from thinking “Okay, this is ち + little よ,” I think.

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I learned to type hiragana from the tofugu guide, which has ちょas cho. I have no idea where I got the long versions from… However, I found the resouce I wanted that has some helpfull information including a full keystroke chart showing the few shortcuts such as ‘si’ for ’し’. But let me know if anyone finds the restricting user script I imagined!

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The issue would probably have to be reported to https://wanakana.com (see GitHub), and then WaniKani would have to choose to update to the new version. Maybe they will, but it took them at least four years between the previous update, so who knows.


also crazy you can put in “CHILYA”, “TILYA”, “CHIXYA” and “TIXYA” for ちゃ.

To be fair, aren’t those accepted in most IMEs though? Or are you just commenting on the ridiculousness of anyone actually using them.


These are actually standard, tho they are so long… everybody just does cho and sho and so on

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While we’re here, is there a shorter way to type っ other than xtsu?

Double the following consonant.


cchi → っち
These are all mentioned somewhere.

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While barely any shorter, you only need tu for つ so xtu works if there are times you want it stand-alone.


The ridiculousness

This hasn’t been mentioned yet, but since ち is in the T row of hiragana, “ti” works for ち in the same way “tu” works for つ.

For ちょ I’ll sometimes type “tyo” just because the ‘t’ and ‘y’ are close together. If you google something like “ローマ字入力表” you can find combinations like these, as they’re used by Japanese people:


Random example:


I always type it as “tyo” because it’s from the same group as ta, ti, tu etc and it’s easier to conceptualise.

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I get that, and I do implement it a bit, but mostly if it saves me keystrokes.

I type “ti” and “si” for ち and し for example, but when it comes to しゃ しゅ しょ I go for “sha” “shu” “sho” because it’s the same number of keystrokes as “sya” “syu” “syo” and it’s easier for me to type.

And as for じゃ じゅ じょ, I never go “zya” “zyu” “zyo” because “ja” “ju” “jo” saves me 1 keystroke.


Never knew you could type anything other than “cho” :pensive:

This is a good early reminder to be sure to practice typing on my macbook.

I’ve used WK before with another account, gosh maybe even like 4-5 years ago now(!), and I already got a different wakeup call that I can’t work through things as fast as I was then - and had to do a reset at just Level 4. :x

But yeh, now I’m realizing that using my phone to type directly in hiragana is setting me up a bit spoiled, lol, because it cuts out the need to remember how to construct the sounds through other means. I almost always used keyboard with that past account, and I should re-learn it sooner than later.

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