Still no update on the reviews
API endpoint? Almost 8 months after it was disabled? I mean, sure, I’m glad to see the new change, but nobody asked for this - and like 40 people have asked for the reviews
endpoint to come back and they’ve been ignored for months.
Plus this still doesn’t resolve the primary issue of users wanting the ability to skip ahead. Still no ability to automatically burn or skip items, which was the primary concern. I emailed you guys about this a few months ago and you told me that this lesson picker was coming - now it’s here and it doesn’t even touch on the issue I emailed about.
The announcement mentions something about being able to “skip unwanted items” - I do not see any way to skip items with this new system. Unless the implication is that users will manually select their lessons in tiny batches every time they open the app, always being careful to not click the lessons they want to skip? That’s hardly “skipping” - that’s just repeatedly ignoring (plus it only works for vocabulary, not Kanji or radicals). Maybe I’m missing something, but the announcement doesn’t explain it at all and a quick 5-minute look through the new features doesn’t yield anything. (Maybe I have to actually complete a set of lessons after changing my settings before they will “stick” and not keep making me re-input them every time? Idk. Instructions not included.)
Basically all this update gives us is a way to manually reorder our lessons within one single level - which we’ve already been able to do with scripts for years now (except we weren’t previously limited to only one level). Oh, and it also adds the ability to have your lessons automatically scrambled by an algorithm with no way to turn it off other than by manually selecting your lessons yourself every time you open the app. Did anybody want that?
Really not seeing the hype on this change. Honestly it was a major demotivation hit when I saw it added today. I immediately looked for a way to turn it off (as I used it in beta and already knew I didn’t like it) and alas, there is no way to turn it off. Bummer. Simply giving us a way to turn it off would have been nice.
Regardless, I’m still glad to see any type of change on the technical side of WaniKani - just like I was when the Recent Mistakes panel was added. (And the Recent Mistakes panel is great!) I’m just not seeing the hype of this particular change, and I definitely don’t see how or why this was prioritized over bringing back a major part of the site that was randomly disabled 8 months ago. Especially since doing so would literally take like 5 hours and you’ve had 40 people asking about it non-stop since it was disabled and you’re just straight up ignoring them.
I don’t want to sound too mean here because I really am happy about the change and I know it was a lot of hard work that doesn’t go unappreciated. But just… Why was it done this way? What was the logic here?
I also notice some people mentioning that people actually were asking for this feature and I just wasn’t aware of it. Perhaps that’s true, but I just can’t really imagine why someone would want this feature so badly? You have 100 things to learn over the coming days - who cares what order you learn it in? What was wrong with the previous method and why can’t the people who need more customization just download a script? Why were these new features forced on everybody when 90% of us were happy with the way it was? Like MiracleGro said - when it comes to a habit that someone has built over the span of many months and years - something that they do every single day without thinking… Pulling the rug out from under them and drastically changing the way their memory and habits need to work with no way to turn it off other than to manually work around it every time you open the app (e.g. several times every single day)… That’s just not cool.
Sorry to come off so strongly but this is honestly very annoying. I hope nothing I said seems to aggressive and if it is please point it out so I can edit it to sound less so.
All I asked for was the reviews
endpoint. Instead I got told no, got ignored for 8 months, and had my study habits uprooted out of nowhere with no way to turn it off. Not a fun time.
EDIT: Alright, after a quick test: The Lesson Picker indeed does not remember your settings even after completing a set of lessons. So you literally have to re-input your settings not only every time you open the app, but every time you return to the home page. Unless you just keep clicking the “Keep doing more lessons” button forever and never do anything else, the moment you click to go back to the menu your settings are wiped. Fun!
I also really wish there was a way to customize how many lessons you do in a day instead of always having it be a multiple of 3 somewhere between 9 and 30. I want to do 10 lessons each day in two groups of 5. Too bad for me! The closest I can get is 3 groups of 3.