Hi friends,
I emailed WaniKani about it but I’m wondering if the new lesson picker is buggy for anyone else. I’m on my pc on chrome and the last few times after I study the lessons at least a few of the kanji in the quiz will be lessons I haven’t studied. At first I thought it was my memory going to pot but I’m pretty sure I’m getting quizzed on lessons that I didn’t study.
I’ve been using the lesson picker for about two months already and this never happened to me.
Same for me, I never experienced any issues with the lesson picker since I started using it about two months ago.
Have you installed any new scripts recently? This happened to me once in the past, and it was a due to a script (don’t remember which one though)
This is happening to me as well and was the reason for me to look into the bugs forum section.
It’s happening since the recent update that brought advanced options to the lessons.
I’m using userscript addons, but they are not set to change anything about the order or number of new lessons.
yeah I wasn’t using any scripts. I stopped letting wanikani pick lessons for me and I’ve been using the advanced feature and just choosing all. That seems to be working.