To Drink or Not to Drink

Would you like to go out for drinks with me tonight?
(Context sentence for 今夜)

Why yes that would be nice but doesn’t ません indicate a negative?
(To my underdeveloped grammar brain in any case)

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“Won’t you go out for drinks with me tonight?” is another way to say it in English even, with negative included. But to my ears, the English negative sentence sounds a bit whimsical or old-fashioned, while the Japanese negative sentence is just how people normally invite people. So they chose an English translation that sounds more like what a normal person would say.


What Leebo said is right - in this case, it’s a polite invitation.

In less formal speech, negation is often tacked onto sentences that aren’t negative (and formed into a question). In very casual speech じゃん as a suffix is very common. I view it like an alternative ね.

(Disclaimer that I am not very good at Japanese)

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I think going from, say, 行きませんか to 行かない? is enough to change up the level of politeness, but the negation is still a common thing for invitations.


Oh true, I should have mentioned invitations can also be casual

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I had wondered at this way of interpreting the sentence before I posted as there is a negative involved. Certainly does conjure up memories of old fashioned movie language!

I shall listen out for it now!
Thanks to both for your explanations and guidance!! :pray:

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