Tip's Notes & Plans

I have somehow lost track of days…even missed an origami advent calendar post.

Today I started WK level 8 radicals (12); tomorrow my review count could be over 100 for the first time since “my great reset”.

almost finished Tokini Andy-- he seemed “off” in videos 21 and 22. I’m wondering if I am ready for Quartet or Tobira yet.

took a placement test on Marugoto (my original online textbook) and got recommended A2-3 or 4.

read more of the Santa story. The repetition is classic for a kid’s tale and helpful for learning patterns/vocabulary…not unlike SRS.

considering some kind of progress tracker for 2025…not really based on time spent but movement toward my goal.



Survived yesterday’s relative avalanche of reviews and did 15 lessons of vocabulary so they don’t hold me back at the end of the level. I’m happy with the progress tracker I made and implemented it for the rest of the year to get an idea of my pacing.

Resumed Marugoto at A2-3 until I choose quartet or tobira.

Today’s origami looks cute but I am too tired to try it.


Good news Bad News: workers were here yesterday and today for the final push in the wall repairs. None of them speak English. I tried to speak Spanish and wound up mixing Japanese phrases into my statements. There was much confusion. It took some effort for me to push the new language aside to make room for the other language to move about in my brain.
Based on my progress tracker, I underestimated the amount of time I put into Mango and Duolingo; mostly because they are idle time activities. Marugoto and reading actually require my undivided attention. I also need to factor in time to review the lessons later in the week. Completing a task, checking off a box or leveling up doesn’t automatically mean I learned anything.
IRL priorities got in the way of origami…too far behind and distracted to go back….might do them on my own on Christmas Eve.

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Two days away from level 9 unlock.
In Progress: Marugoto 1.5 of 5 lessons
—This course is highlighting my poor verb conjugation skills. Close enough does not cut it. I will practice daily using Katsu: practise Japanese conjugation - 活用
Finished: Tokini Andy Genki series
—He seemed to be relieved that it is over. I will be continuing with Marugoto instead of starting Quartet/Tobira.
Finished: Kidnapped Santa Claus
—This was a challenge. I almost missed the moral of the story because of not translating the names of the demons. ジコチュー, ネタマシー, ミンナテキー, ハンセー selfish, jealous, hatred, ??, regret. The English original uses the name greed for ミンナテキー but I can’t confirm the Japanese. Overall, I enjoyed the journey but will likely avoid fairy tales and “vintage” stories in the short-term.


LEVEL 9 achieved yesterday evening (level 8 started on 12/7/24).

66 level 8 vocab unlocked at that time.
level 9 has 20 radicals, 24/40 kanji, 41/141 vocab unlocked. At this pace, could level 10 be breached before the new year?

conjugation drill average accuracy = 40%…lots of room for improvement here… but I knew that.

Marugoto lesson complete (2 of 5). This image was my “reward”. Do oily and aromatic count as flavors?


:crabigator:Did all level 8 lessons this AM; vocab includes lots of words learned in Duolingo a while ago; got my first baseball related word.
:worm:weakよわい A weak wind blows. 弱い風が吹く。
strong つよい
to countかぞえる
finished unit 8

Still 40% accuracy

Yesterday completed most of unit 3; good combo of Genki 2 review and new grammar

:books:I did read 3 stories from level 3 this week. In lieu of reading another story about monks or yokai today, I watched videos on mute with Japanese subtitles. Oxygen not Included: WK 32 oxygen 酸素 さんそ WK :heavy_multiplication_x:hydrogen水素 すいそ WK :heavy_multiplication_x:carbon dioxide 二酸化炭素 にさんかたんそ; included multiple vocab from level 8.

:open_book:Started reading a short story I bought on my kindle years ago. The Partially Eaten Pie has lots of N3 vocab but the grammar is approachable compared to when I first tried reading.

Unit 2.6 Clarification and Explanation


productive and successful week culminating in starting level 9 this morning.
next week schedule will change due to holiday


Updated my goals here for 2025.

:crabigator: start level 9 with all radicals
:owl: start level 9
:question: 43 % accuracy for the week
:open_book: finished the pie story; remarkable how this was impossible when I was WK 42

:crabigator:12 kanji and 20 vocab started; those leeches incubating from level 8 could have been avoided if those kana only words weren’t taking up space; “ weak”and “strong” related words are showing up in level 9 vocab
:owl: some complicated sentences showing up (see handwritten notes)
:question: Perhaps there is some value to active shadowing practice even for someone who does not intend to speak Japanese. Even though I know the rules, I type the words the way they sound in my head. It turns out, my mental pronunciation of り、れ、ら is sloppy. The chances of getting one right randomly is about 30%.
need to review my notes; skipped the bits of okinawa-ben
:books: finished level 3 free stories; still not clear on how the levels are determined. Tadoku levels About levels – にほんごたどく ‘ maybe the paid versions follow the scheme closely.
:open_book: will spend this week going through WK context example for level 8 and 9 focusing on grammar,

2.8 household rooms and items. This chapter is 50% longer than normal. Today I learned what a drawing room is. This will be my future resource for active shadowing (two birds one stone). Overall, this program leans a little too heavy into polite speech. I find myself responding with casual speech frequently (doesn’t hurt to know both).

12/27/24 - 12/28/24
:crabigator: 53 level 9 vocab lessons; the crab and owl are in synch with both resources giving me the same vocabulary
finished unit 9; started unit 10 Health vocab
WK 18 throat 喉、こう、のど,
WK 0 elbow肘 ひじ,
WK10 condition 調子 ちょうし , WK14 condition 具合ぐあ,
WK29 to fall asleep 眠り、ねむり,
WK24 shoulder 肩, かた,
WK42Radical 14Kanji/Vocab
bone 骨、ほね,
WK11 finger 指、ゆび,
WK38 knees 膝、ひざ,
WK27 thick 濃い, こい,
WK27health 健康, けんこう,
WK34 injection 11注 pour34射shoot, ちゅうしゃ,
WK0 body height 身長、 しんちょう,

small improvements 50% accuracy
started unit 8; will review all notes tomorrow
:books: found another set of readers; demoted self to level 2 for these because they are more difficult
:open_book:took notes on WK context examples, started short stories on kindle- first graded reader


Last post for 2024: my week went as planned with no misses despite the holiday because I moved tasks around as needed. Next year, I will keep the daily tracker for personal use and post a monthly one instead. It’s just more time efficient.
For December, I met or exceeded most goals because I had no clue as to what to expect. Going forward, some Mango time will be swapped out for note reviewing time. I did not finish Marugoto A2-3 grammar but made great progress. It’s supposed to be a 6 month course after all. I skipped 2 Tadoku stories on purpose.


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

:crabigator:LEVEL 10 achieved this afternoon; unlocked 15/15 R and 24/40 and K46/143 V

Level 9 had 67 V locked behind the K for 2 days. I used that time to clear my apprentice count. If I do 25 V per day, level 10 proper can start in a few days. FWIW, I have already previewed the radicals today.


LEVEL 4:11 Seafood; unlocked yesterday and started today. It really is just about ordering different types of sushi so far.

From level 4:10
brain WK18 脳 の う
heart WK34 心臓 し ん ぞ う
to cure WK16,17,18 治す な お す* this is pronounced just like the word “to fix”


midweek accuracy 57%

A2-3 completed this afternoon; passed the course but only got 68% on the exam; will practice grammar and conjugations before actually moving on to A2-4.

Coincidentally, the last unit was about special occasions. Half the lessons focused on New Year activities. I took a cue from those traditions and spent the day deep cleaning my home using the Pomodoro method.

5 stories read; this been difficult because it is boring; options?

none until end of week

2:9 Relatives and pets; reviewing how to count types of things and telling ages


:crabigator:started level 10 radicals today- 15 R 10 V; actually did creep into level 10 vocab while finishing those for level 9 days ago

started 4:12 Society yesterday; need to transfer written notes to journal; this sentence is important for social interactions?

end of week accuracy 63%; must remember that not all るverbs are godan; bookmarked this post and made my own chart based on the model https://community.wanikani.com/t/conjugation-grammar/68887/6?u=tip

since the exam, I have been reviewing the notes and supplementing with other grammar sources; may start the next unit at end of month

:books: :open_book:enjoying yomu yomu web app; read 8 chapters of a mystery; started a 20 page story in my kindle library- one page done over 2 days; kept getting distracted with vocab lookup and curiosity about related vocab; grammar is not that bad; need to focus up

reduced my time here to once a week so no updates


:crabigator: chipping away at vocab while the kanji level up
苦い = bitter
教わる = おそわる
finished 4:12
Vocab notes
象徴 WK 26しょ う ちょ う symbol (of something abstract)
建てる WK 23 た て る to build
複雑 WK32 ふ く ざ つ complicated
興味 WK32 きょ う み interest (in something)
戦争 WK11 せ ん そ う war
経済 WK21 けいざい economics
慣れる WK25なれる to get used to
大勢 WK22 お お ぜ い crowd of people
進歩 WK0 し ん ぽ progress
文明 WK0 ぶんめい civilization 文化 WK6 ぶんか
独立 WK26どくりつ independent …see WK5 自立
計画 WK15 けいかく plan …WK 9 予定 also 16,22
物価 WK22 ぶっか cost-of-living, prices
地元 WK 0 じもと local
midweek accuracy 77% got 100% today
notes and outputting sentences
started The Human Chair- N4 level adaptation
none scheduled yet
finished 2:9



Friday, did not feel like doing more than my dailies, so I didn’t. My dreams were in Japanese.

:crabigator:started the last vocab for level ten; expect to level up late tomorrow

finished 4:13 talk about your day; déjà vu on this one- when they redid the skill tree I guess they could not mark these lessons as done since they were locked behind the level.

end of week accuracy 76%


Don’t drink tea yet. まだお茶飲んではだめです
You should not drink tea yet. まだお茶飲んではいけません
After eating this sushi, I will wash the dishes. この寿司を食べてから、お皿を洗います a yields b
After eating this sushi, I will wash the dishes. この寿司を食べて、お皿を洗います。 a follows b
While eating this sushi, I wash the dishes. この寿司を食べなから、お皿を洗います。
If you put too much mustard on it, it will be too spicy. 辛子を つけすぎると、辛いです
If you eat it all, you will get sick. 全部食べると, 病気になります
When you get sick, you go to the hospital. 病気になるとき、入院します

After resting my eyes and brain, I read all of the Human Chair in one sitting. Later, I noted vocab and grammar. The grammar was a lot of expressions, comparison and if/maybe/wonder phrases.
Recently learned 膝 knee – turns out it also means lap (i.e. for sitting on)

next level downloaded for long commute tomorrow.



Monday leveled up with 37 level 10 V outstanding which are all that’s left of my apprentice count as of today. Level 11 has 13/13 R, 24/34 K and 52/142 V unlocked. Today there were 120 reviews before I added the last level 10 vocab to the mix.

Yesterday, I started 4:14 of Duolingo – Talk about feelings

Vocabulary-long list; I will check WK levels later

寂しい lonely, lonesome さびしい
眠い sleepy ねむい
がっくり(onomatopoeic) disappointed
笑う to laugh, smile わ ら う
精神的 mental, emotional せいしんてき
冗談 joke じょ う だ ん
落ち着く to calm down おちつく
得る to get, earn, win える
微笑む to smile ほ ほ え む
愛情 love, affectionあいじょう
自信 self confidenceじしん
関係 relationship, connection かんけい
ドキドキ (onomatopoeic) to throb, pitter-patter; indicates excited, nervous, embarrassed, scared, or full of anticipation.
胸 chest, breast, heart むね
互いにwith each otherたがいに
怒る to get madおこる
恐れるto be afraid of おそれる
やっと finally, at last
ときめきbeating (of the heart, with joy, excitement, etc.),
触る to touch さわる
恥ずかしい ashamed, embarrassed はずかしい
きっとalmost certainly
驚き surprise, amazement お ど ろ き
個人 personal, individualこじん

Conjugations are holding in the 70-80-% range since I increased the difficulty settings. Potential forms coming soon.

Marugoto: potential forms and nuances

Mango unit 2:10 Careers and hobbies complete; this completes unit 2. 喜び pleasure, gratification よろこび


:crabigator: started level 11 radicals and vocab on 1-16-25; started all available kanji today; extensive reading may be detrimental to me in this area because I recognize the kanji and how they are pronounced in actual words. Several of the kanji in this level are asking for the other reading, which does not come to me naturally.
started 4:15 Politics. I have noted the vocab but am disinterested in the topic. There is no new grammar. Fun fact: I opened a chest and won 2 days of super duo, which meant infinite hearts, free mistake practice and legendary reviews. I found that if I can make mistakes with no consequences, I will make them repeatedly. Limited hearts works better for me. It also works as a handy timer… out of hearts? Game over. Period.
end of week 66-70%- I did not record yesterday’s score.
no grammar lessons yet, noticed they have incorporated graded readers to a limited degree and signed up for that. I have read the stories already as they are from KC yomu. Each story is followed by a quiz though.
I am all over the place with reading in terms of resources. I do read 4 days per week. One day is extensive and three are intensive. Sometimes they are the same story. Currently, into the yomu app reading an intermediate level ghost story with 3000 words. Almost finished the marugoto stories.
will download next section for tomorrow while car is hopefully getting serviced.

Random stuff:
• More feelings; https://yomuyomu.app/lessons/533-words-to-express-feelings
• Added WK levels to Duolingo feelings vocab in my offline log- won’t be updating this log
• Found a new kanji font for my offline study log (Meiryo) which is so much better than MS Mincho

Tomorrow is a national holiday that most private businesses ignore. I always take the day off. This year, I needed to remind my coworkers that it is a holiday. To be fair, I never know when Columbus and President’s days are.
Below is my grade school level attempt at writing an “essay” about Martin Luther King, Jr. My plans were grander but output is very tiring.
If anyone reads the essay and wants to make language corrections, please do. Please do not leave any political comments. Thanks for respecting my boundaries.

Martin Luther King, an American preacher, believed that people could live in peace with each other. アメリカの説教者(せっきょうしゃ)MLKは、人々は 互いに 平和に 生きられる と信じていました。
He dreamed of a day when everyone was born equal.

彼は すべての人が 平等(びょうどう)に 生まれるの日を 夢見ました。

Until then, he recommended that we should not dislike someone just because of their color, since, ultimately, their behavior is more important.

それまでは、色だけで 人を 嫌ってはいけない と勧めました, なぜなら 最終的に 彼らの 行動の方よりが 大切です。

When he became too popular and powerful, he was killed by people who opposed his viewpoint.

しかし、彼は すぎ人気と 強力になる とき、彼の 立場に 反対する 人々は 彼を殺した。

On Monday, in America, we remember this man and consider the things he wanted to teach us.

月曜日、アメリカで 私たちは この男を 思い出し、彼が 私たちに 教えたかった ことを 考えます。


I enjoyed your writing. :face_with_monocle: You were smart about how you constructed the sentences


Thank you, I am looking forward to future me coming back next year and writing something better.



This week was too busy for two log updates. The busy-ness will continue through mid next week. Even so, some progress has been made.

:crabigator:reached level 12 today. Level 11 still has 38 V untouched. Level 12 has 14/14 R 26/41 K 42/142 V unlocked.
:worm: 苦しい painful 苦い bitter 予beforehand 了 end

finished 4:15 politics at some point; finished 4:16 creative arts a couple of days ago and completed a friend quest with @feralfuton; started 4:17 passive form yesterday

Artsy vocab

Artist 芸術家 WK16 げいじゅつか
Stage 舞台 WK36 ぶたい
A type of 一種 WK18 いっしゅ
Painting 絵画 WK0 かいが
Actress 女優 WK25 じょゆう
Actor 俳優 WK23 はいゆう
Playwriter 劇作家 げきさっか
Play 劇 WK17 げき
Theatre 劇場 WK17 げきじょう
To be touched (moved) 感銘 WK50 かんめい
Director 監督 WK29 かんとく
Applause 拍手 WK56 はくしゅ
Audience 観客 WK22 かんきゃく
The arts 芸術 WK15 げいじゅつ
(paint)Brush 筆 WK26 ふで
Poem 詩 WK13 し
Works 作品 WK16 さくひん
Great 偉大 WK51 いだい
Gaze視線 WK0 しせん WK24視
Wall 壁 WK39 かべ

Many of the author’s novels are set in Kyoto.

after two days of 0% accuracy, I put conjugation drills on hold. It requires more focus than I have to spare this week.

continued graded readers on Marugoto; read one page of the ghost story; the English translations appear to be more like interpretations so I will need to make sure I don’t overlook the grammar.


a lot of passive listening in my tuned up car because I will be driving a lot.

p.s. I miss reading everyone’s study logs


Friday, January 31, 2025 End of Month Progress Check-in

WK: 2 levels a month including vocabulary :white_check_mark: level 9-11
Conjugation drills: consistently average 90% accuracy for verbs :ring_buoy: 60-70%
Duolingo: 8 units per month :white_check_mark: 4:11-4:18
Marugoto: finish A2-3 :white_check_mark:
Extensive reading: finish all levels of tadoku free stories :ring_buoy: 15 of 20
Intensive reading: graduate from short stories (1,000 to 10,000 English words) to a novella (10,000 and 50,000 English words). :ring_buoy: 3,000 words
Mango: finish all 41 chapters starting from #9 :white_check_mark: 3 chapters