Yesterday, I spent a big chunk of time catching up on reading study logs here. It looks like several people had a rough end of month. If I didn’t leave a heart on your post, know that I’m still rooting for you. We made it! It’s a new month so let’s go!!!
Due to the way I used the lesson picker, the entire level 12 vocab will come at once after I reach level 13. That’s ok because this set of kanji is the first where the majority feel new or only vaguely familiar. Spending a week-10 days on the vocab before moving on to the next level is a good strategy.
4:17 Passive form was lame but standard for the app. The vocab included a few expressions that may come in handy. I have done some review of previous notes on the three uses of the passive form etc. to supplement. Next week, I may add it to my conjugation drills.
4:18 Geography was mostly vocabulary that I might use in special circumstances. The grammar notes did not figure prominently in the lessons. I solo’d the friend quest and whiffed because my teammate was afk all week. 4:19 the law should be fun since it looks useful for detective and mystery novels.
80% two days in a row. Maybe taking a break from the grind is a good idea.
Started A2-4 yesterday. The plan is to do lessons (2 hours each) twice a week and review notes in between. This would be easier with a teacher or if some kind soul made a few you tube vids in English. Without that, I am doing quite a bit of additional labor on the grammar. Maybe, the struggle will help cement it into my brain.
Reading days have been moved; still looking for a best practice in this area of study.
next chapter downloaded for tomorrow during outdoor walk.