Tip's Notes & Plans

Yesterday, I spent a big chunk of time catching up on reading study logs here. It looks like several people had a rough end of month. If I didn’t leave a heart :hearts: on your post, know that I’m still rooting for you. We made it! It’s a new month so let’s go!!! :muscle:
:crabigator: Due to the way I used the lesson picker, the entire level 12 vocab will come at once after I reach level 13. That’s ok because this set of kanji is the first where the majority feel new or only vaguely familiar. Spending a week-10 days on the vocab before moving on to the next level is a good strategy.

4:17 Passive form was lame but standard for the app. The vocab included a few expressions that may come in handy. I have done some review of previous notes on the three uses of the passive form etc. to supplement. Next week, I may add it to my conjugation drills.
4:18 Geography was mostly vocabulary that I might use in special circumstances. The grammar notes did not figure prominently in the lessons. I solo’d the friend quest and whiffed because my teammate was afk all week. 4:19 the law should be fun since it looks useful for detective and mystery novels.

80% two days in a row. Maybe taking a break from the grind is a good idea.

Started A2-4 yesterday. The plan is to do lessons (2 hours each) twice a week and review notes in between. This would be easier with a teacher or if some kind soul made a few you tube vids in English. Without that, I am doing quite a bit of additional labor on the grammar. Maybe, the struggle will help cement it into my brain.
Reading days have been moved; still looking for a best practice in this area of study.
next chapter downloaded for tomorrow during outdoor walk.


:crabigator:Level 13 reached today. Level 12 still has 60 vocabulary. Level 13 has 15/15R 22/35K 40/128V unlocked.

:worm:章 chapter 童 child
4:19 The Law was interesting. The vocab can be found in WK 20s levels. The only thing I recall from those levels was how much I wanted to quit WK. Now I am looking forward to it. There are so many words that appear to be synonyms. This time, I will use a dictionary to help distinguish their meanings, which should make the levels less challenging.
4:20 Weather started today. The amount of synergy this unit has with my current WK level is uncanny. Started a friend quest with @feralfuton. I will only do 8 qualifying lessons per day because, in reality, that means more than 8 lessons.

The Law vocabulary

Sand 砂 WK 36 すな
Hill 岡 WK 21 おか
Desert 砂漠 WK 35 さばく

Steal 盗む WK 30 ぬすむ
Prison 刑務所 WK 37 けいむしょ Nb. WK 35 獄 ごく

Pickpocket 掏摸 WK 0 すり
Commit (a crime) 犯す WK 20 おかす

crimeつみ 罪 WK 20 vocab = sin,crime WK 20 kanji ざい= guilt Nb. Duo uses this in multiple ways and in combination with other kanji e.g. crime, punishment, fault, guilt

Crime 犯罪 WK 20 はんざい
Criminal 犯人 WK 20 はんにん Culprit -Just note that 犯人 is mostly used to talk about the culprit of a specific crime, not criminals in general.

Arrest 逮捕する WK 27 たいほする
Appeal/sue 訴える WK 25うったえる
Trial 裁判 WK 23 さいばん
Fair 公平 WK 0 こうへい

Intent -usually written in hiragana -つもり (積もり)
WK 29 積もるTo Accumulate

A Judge (person) 裁判官 WK 0 さいばんかん
KANJI 裁WK23 さい judge 判 WK21 ばん judge 官 WK17 かん government

Innocence (not guilty) 無罪 WK0 むざい
Guilty 有罪 WK 20 ゆうざい
Verdict 判決 WK 0 はんけつ

RANDOM 半ケツ はんケツ hanketsu having buttock cleavage exposed

Insistence, claim 主張 WK 0 しゅちょう
Confirmation, settlement 確定 WK 0 かくてい
確 WK 20KANJI かく Certain

60% accuracy today tanked my weekly average. Spent some time practicing passive and potential forms offline and posted a couple of sentences in the grammar thread.
on target-- one grammar point seemed not that important but I saw it on each of the first 3 pages of my readings later in the week. It was used in a different context, which made it immediately obvious why it would be a good to know.
I’m no longer separating intensive/extensive practices. Tadoku level 4 stories are engaging because they are retelling Western tales. One such, which I had never heard before was Donkey Skin. It is about a king who owns a donkey that poops gold. He decides he must marry his daughter. She asks him for a dress made of the donkey hide. When he complies, she runs away. The rest of the tale is like a Cinderella story.
Another one is about an Amelia Badelia type character who misunderstands Japanese in funny ways. The last one was Aladdin and 40 thieves. Total 20+15+25 pages over 3 days.

3.2 Recreation and Relaxation complete. I learned that 7 Samurai was a movie which inspired The Magnificent 7 and probably Firefly. I forgot I knew that か can mean “or”. Also forgot: x は y は for contrasting elements.

Random: I want to write the Law and Order opening monologue in Japanese. It was one of my favorite shows for a while.
Japanese listening shower on you tube
Coto Japanese Academy on you tube
Signed up for digital library card for access to JF foundation catalogue… processing.



My version of the Law and Order opening monologue:

In our legal system, citizens are served by two separate but equally important groups. 法制度にで、国民は2つ 別に、しかし同じように 重要な 組によって 支えられています.
They are the police, who investigate crimes, and the lawyers, who prosecute criminals.それは、犯罪を 調べる 警察と、犯罪者を 訴える 弁護士です。

These are their stories.

これは 彼らの 物語です。

:crabigator:finished last level 12 vocab new lessons today. Will start level 13 in a few days.

:worm:Distinguish 旅行 travel, trip, journey, excursion, tour
Travel as entertainment. Overseas trips and honeymoons are classified here because the purpose is to have fun.

and travel, trip, journey
To visit somewhere away from home. The purpose is often to train oneself or improve one’s sensitivity by visiting unfamiliar places and interacting with people there. hinative.com/25212020

都会 city and 都合 convienience

finished 4:20 Weather today. Lots of onomatopoeia.


almost halfway through; content reviews previous knowledge with some new stuff sprinkled in. Passive voice, comparisons and adjectives. Will make some sentences on my own with Duolingo weather vocab. The hardest part is that the speaking has sped up tremendously. It sounds like a foreign language until I read the text and realize most of the words are totally familiar to me.

spent 30 minutes on the first 15 minutes of Japanese Listening Shower about making money.

downloaded next; Weather and Landscapes for tomorrow.


検事 (public prosecutor) might be more appropriate than 弁護士 (general lawyer)


Cool thanks. I was trying to see what could be done with my limited vocab and grammar. The actual monologue includes words like criminal justice system, represented by, offenders and district attorneys.