My level 60 post (finally)


So after 809 days I have just finished my last lesson. Feels pretty good. I’m not really sure what to say since this is my first post on the forums, and I don’t know if this is even the right place to post haha. I am just starting my 4th year living in Japan and I guess technically my 5th year of studying Japanese. I spent quite a bit of my time also studying grammar, vocab, and watching a lot of stuff in Japanese / reading stuff and interacting with Japanese people, which explains why it took me longer than some people. You can see I was fairly consistent though, minus a few hiccups here and there.

Here are some things I’ve learned and would like to share / recommend some of you do as well.

1. Consistency is key. Figure out what you want to do (for example improve your vocab) and decide a specific goal and time frame. Here’s an example: I want to learn 3000 new vocab words in the next year. Okay so this is around 8.2 new words every day. Be realistic and know that there will be days when you can’t do this, so plan accordingly. If I just call it 10 vocab words a day then after 5 days I have essentially made up for 1 day in case I miss a day. This will ensure you stay on track and don’t get too far behind.
But the most important part is that you stay consistent. Do those 10 words every single day, and don’t think about things like “man if only I were good enough to read novels” just focus on doing the work and when the year has passed you have your 3000 new words learned.
It’s hard to track your progress day to day or even week to week. When you don’t see progress or improvement it can be hard to stay motivated, but if you just trust in consistency you WILL improve.

2. Give yourself a workload that is specifically tailored to your life. Matt vs Japan for example has achieved a very high level of Japanese, but unless you have a schedule similar to his you can’t just copy his study methods exactly. Pick a manageable work load that you know you can do and if it ends up being too easy, bump up the work. I know from experience that trying to fill my days with 4+ hours of Japanese studying on top of my 10+ hours a day job and going to the gym and trying to get 8.5 hours of sleep every night doesn’t work well and sets me up for failure.

3. Be realistic. How much work are you putting in? If you’re feeling frustrated that you don’t sound like Dogen even though you do your WaniKani every day and lurk around the WK forums for a couple hours a day talking about the best methods from studying, you might need to be a little harder on yourself. A quote I once heard that really stuck with me is “If you have extraordinary expectations, than you have to do extra. You have to decide if you’re willing to do the work to put you in that category.” If you just want to learn some Japanese for fun and maybe be able to have casual conversations in Japanese, there’s nothing wrong with that. But if you want to pass N1, get a job with a Japanese company, sound like a native Japanese speaker, be able to read the newspaper, etc then you are going to have to bust your ass. It’s the same for everything in life. Just be honest with yourself about what you really want, and how hard you’re willing to work to get what you want. Learning that about yourself is really difficult, but I think we can all agree learning Japanese is a good way to also learn that kind of stuff about yourself. I’m also guilty of spending time ‘researching’ what textbook is best or what method of studying will get me fluent the fastest, when I could have just been studying and actually getting better.

Anyways sorry for the long winded post, and I wish you guys all the best!



Congratulations!! You did it!!

Image result for congrats anime cat gif"




Nice job!! Since you mentioned the N1, I’m guessing you’ve taken some of those proficiency tests? How did they stack up?

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Well I had never taken the JLPT until last July so I decided to start with N2 and passed without much trouble. I haven’t tried N1 yet and I also don’t really care too much about the JLPT, but I figure I’ll give it a try next July just because it would be nice to have on a resume. I know N1 is quite a bit harder than N2 though so I’ll probably be a little more diligent when preparing for that.


Congratulations, Gavinjoaquin!

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Congratulations! See you at the top someday!


Congratz on 60!!!

Your tips are very helpful and things I’ve heard from numerous sources, which means they have to be true!! Haha


I just started learning japanese.what is JLPT ?

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Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
There are 5 levels (N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1) with N5 being the easiest and N1 being the hardest

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Japanese proficiency test meant to gauge your level of fluency


Congratulations! :tada: On a side note, my level 60 post was only the second thread I ever started. ^^; The first being my shameful lvl 1, why can’t I go faster without reading anything I must be the first to say this baby :crabigator: thread.


Congratulations! :cake: :cake: :cake:

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Very inspiring! Thank you for your words of wisdom. I myself am living in Japan, my second year now, and hope to be in your shoes some day soon.

Congratulations to you! It’s quite a feat to finish.

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Wow. Your accuracy is extremely high. Mine is in the high 80s and low 90s, and it is slightly boosted since I redid the first 10 levels after not doing Wanikani for a long time (and had higher accuracies since I had familiarity with those kanji and words). I probably average in the mid-80s for accuracy now. You leveled up really fast for most levels, too. My faster levels have taken me about ten days and you consistently took faster than even that.

Congrats! You should burn all of them!

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Congrats Gavin! Both accuracy and the time you took are awe-inspiring. I’ve just started, so I’ll take your advice! (I guess I can do more than just WK…)
Hope we’ll see you in one of the book clubs! (Too soon for me though, I’ll need a few more months :joy:)


Haha. I when I typed out “burn all of them” I knew it sounded kind of disturbing.

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Nice! Grats! :grin:

Congratulations! :tada::partying_face::confetti_ball:

Welcome and congrats.