Tip's Notes & Plans

:crabigator:started level 10 radicals today- 15 R 10 V; actually did creep into level 10 vocab while finishing those for level 9 days ago

started 4:12 Society yesterday; need to transfer written notes to journal; this sentence is important for social interactions?

end of week accuracy 63%; must remember that not all るverbs are godan; bookmarked this post and made my own chart based on the model https://community.wanikani.com/t/conjugation-grammar/68887/6?u=tip

since the exam, I have been reviewing the notes and supplementing with other grammar sources; may start the next unit at end of month

:books: :open_book:enjoying yomu yomu web app; read 8 chapters of a mystery; started a 20 page story in my kindle library- one page done over 2 days; kept getting distracted with vocab lookup and curiosity about related vocab; grammar is not that bad; need to focus up

reduced my time here to once a week so no updates