Thursday September 7 2023 Content Updates


(28) - Added “pretty” to the warning list.


(5) - Added てい as the on’yomi reading.

(15) - Updated the reading explanation.

(24) - Moved “forehead” to the allow list.

(37) - Added “vow” to the allow list.

(41) - Updated the reading explanation.

(41) - Added に as the on’yomi reading, and added にん to the warning list.

(59) - Added “mountain pass” as the primary meaning, added “the worst” as the alternative meaning, moved “peak” and “ridge” to the allow list, added “height”, “toughest moment,” and “mountain trail” to the allow list, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.


生まれる (3) - Updated the meaning explanation and reading explanation.

打つ (4) - Moved “to strike something” to the alternative meaning, moved “to pound something” to the allow list, added “to punch,” “to slap,” “to smack,” “to pat,” “to tap,” “to clap,” “to knock,” “to beat,” “to bang,” and “to bump” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.

生む (5) - Updated the reading explanation.

写す (4) - Added “to hit something” to the block list.

気に入る (4) - Added “to take a liking to” to the allow list.

受ける (9) - Updated the reading explanation.

受かる (13) - Updated the reading explanation.

世界 (9) - Updated the meaning explanation, reading explanation and collocations.

缶ビール (13) - Added “beer can” to the warning list.

変える (15) - Updated the meaning explanation.

非常 (17) - Updated the meaning explanation and added collocations.

責める (21) - Updated the reading explanation.

脱字 (22) - Added “missing character” and “missing word” to the allow list.

観念 (22) - Added “concept” and “sense” to the allow list.

雨戸 (23) - Updated the reading explanation.

未熟 (23) - Added three context sentences.

祝う (24) - Updated the reading explanation.

独身 (26) - Added “bachelorhood” to the allow list, and added “celibate” to the warning list.

撃つ (28) - Added “to fire” as the alternative meaning, moved “to fire a gun” to the allow list, added “to discharge” to the allow list, moved “to attack” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.

攻める (28) - Updated the reading explanation.

促す (29) - Added “to promote” and “to encourage” to the allow list.

(30) - Updated the reading explanation.

削減 (37) - Added “reduce,” “reducing,” “cut back,” and “cutting back” to the allow list, and added “depletion” the warning list.

恵む (37) - Replaced one context sentences with three new context sentences.

免れる (39) - Added “to excuse” to the block list.

囚人 (39) - Added “inmate” as the alternative meaning, moved “convict” to the allow list, added “convicted person" to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

伊達 (47) - Added “flamboyance” as the primary meaning, added “chic” and “stylishness” as the alternative meaning, moved “elegance,” “dandyism,” and “sophistication” to the allow list, added “elegant,” “dandy,” “sophisticated,” “flamboyant,” “showy,” “showiness,” “for show,” “for nothing,” “fashionable,” “fashionableness,” and “stylish” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, added collocations, updated the translation of a context sentence, and added two context sentences.

飢える (48) - Added “to be starved for” and “to have a thirst for” as the alternative meanings, moved “to thirst” and “to be hungry” to the allow list, added “to have a thirst,” “to have a hunger,” “to be starved,” “to be starved of,” “to be starving,” “to be famished,” and “to hanker after” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.

(59) - Added “mountain pass” as the primary meaning, added “the worst” as the alternative meaning, moved “peak” and “ridge” to the allow list, added “height”, “toughest moment,” and “mountain trail” to the allow list, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, updated the reading mnemonic and hint, and updated the translation of a context sentence.

憂き目 (59) - Added “bitter experience” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.


Nooooo! :cry:

Why? I guess, I get it, but really, for us non-English speakers, it’s just the same thing. It’s also how I connect it to beauty, and this word specifically b-e-a-u-is quite hard to spell. So, yeah - pretty it is!

I think you should maybe think a bit about your non-native English users here, tbh. We have needs that you might miss otherwise. ^^’

(I know a lot is caught in the bad-spelling filter anyways, but it’s best for learning, to just use a set word or phrase, like you intend us to. Constantly misspelling a word, really makes the learnt phrase or word less precise and specific somehow in your mind (my personal learning experience).

that’s why I’m now opting to add even more Swedish synonyms to words. Let’s me be precise and correct. And definitely spell it right and get the meaning completely. But, I’d rather not make it too much of a habit, tbh. that’ basically, too much work!

It just the nausersus, anausuas, nausesu, nausesu - nausea-inducing- that I can spell…issue all over!

(yeah, you don’t have to be very precise, but when good specific work exists - let them be used!)


Thank you, @ekg


It’s actually for the radical name, not the kanji meaning!
I understand your concern, but we don’t usually add different names for radicals.
I think you can still include “pretty” as a user synonym for the radical, though.

I’ve also just added “pretty” to the allow list of the kanji. Hope it helps.

PS. 麗 is “lovely,” not “beauty.” :blush:


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Thanks for the update, @mamimumason -san! And thanks for the detailed notes on what was changed.

I just have one question/concern about some of these changes:

All these う reading explanations using the uni (うに) mnemonic, and yet WK doesn’t actually have 海胆 (うに, a sea urchin) as a vocab? [Granted it would have to be at level 59 or 60, but by that point, well … why not?]

Well, one might say, “But it’s one of those ‘usually written using kana alone’ words. It’s such a rare kanji, there’s no point.” Well, in that case, why not make it a kana-only vocab?! If we’re gonna have kana-only anyway, might as well actually use some of them to support the WK mnemonics system, right? I mean, at least it’s not a super-common one like most of the ones added so far. I didn’t know what an uni was before looking it up. (And yet WK expects us to know what an uni is for all these う reading mnemonics??)


The new meaning explanation has a typo. In “or to shoot a projective, like an arrow”, ‘projective’ should be ‘projectile’.


Thank you for your suggestion! We have taken note of it. (By the way, when it comes to the kanji for “uni,” 雲丹 is more commonly used. Some websites say that we use 海胆 or 海栗 to refer to sea urchins when they are alive in the ocean and use 雲丹 for processed sea urchin products. However, 海胆 and 海栗 are obscure, and most Japanese people are probably not familiar with them.)


Thank you, fixed!