Thursday January 26 2023 Content Updates


(14) - Updated the reading mnemonic.

(14) - Updated the meaning hint, the reading mnemonic, and the reading hint.

(23) - Updated the meaning hint and the reading mnemonic.

(23) - Fixed the kun’yomi error (かえって is updated to かえ).

(41) - Added “humility” to the block list.

(25) - Added “not”, “do not” and “may not” to the allow list.


先生 (4) - Added “Sensei” as the alternative meaning and moved “master” to the allow list.

〜氏 (7) - Added “Mx” as the alternative meaning and moved “Mixter” to the allow list.

全身 (8) - Added “full body” to the allow list.

一億円 (13) - Added “1,000,000 yen,” “1000000 yen,” “ten million yen,” “10 million yen,” “10,000,000 yen,” and “10000000 yen,” to the block list.

技術 (16) - Added “skill” as an alternative meaning and updated two context sentences.

叩頭 (16) - Added “bow” as the primary meaning, moved “kowtow” and added “kowtow bow” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated an example sentence.

副業 (22) - Added “side gig” and “side job” to the alternative meaning, added “side hustle,” “additional job,” and “second job” to the allow list, and updated an example sentence.

領域 (22) - Added “realm” as an alternative meaning.

反応 (22) - Moved “a reaction” to the primary meaning, moved “a response” to the alternative meaning, and updated the meaning mnemonic.

提出 (22) - Moved “submission” to the primary meaning and moved “presentation” to the alternative meaning.

待機 (22) - Moved “standby” to the primary meaning, added “on call” to the alternative meaning, moved “alert” and added “stand by” to the meaning allow list, and updated the meaning mnemonic.

赤ん坊 (22) - Added “infant” as an alternative meaning and updated one context sentence.

坊主 (22) - Added “bonze,” “monk,” “buddhist monk,” and “buzz cut” to the meaning allow list.

(22) - Added ばち to the reading warning list.

産業 (22) - Added two context sentences.

価値 (22) - Added two context sentences.

姿勢 (22) - Added two context sentences.

不可能 (22) - Added two context sentences.

震える (22) - Added two context sentences.

非難する (22) - Added two context sentences.

(22) - Updated one context sentence.

領袖 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

罰金 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

嫌味 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

失態 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

状態 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

費用 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

案内 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

政策 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

物価 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

観光 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

公示 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

支援 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

吸う (22) - Updated one context sentence.

飛ばす (22) - Updated one context sentence.

寝不足 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

嫌悪感 (22) - Updated one context sentence.

有り難う (22) - Updated one context sentence.

確かめる (22) - Updated one context sentence.

各自 (22) - Updated one context sentences and added two context sentences.

私営 (22) - Updated one context sentences and added two context sentences.

坊さん (22) - Updated one context sentences and added two context sentences.

地価 (22) - Updated two context sentences.

態度 (22) - Updated two context sentences.

面倒臭い (22) - Updated two context sentences.

営業 (22) - Updated two context sentences and added a context sentence.

職業 (23) - Updated one context sentence.


Thanks for all the hard work! :slight_smile:


Thank you, Mami!


So much work! Thank you! :heart_eyes:


Well played!