Thursday June 29 2023 Content Updates


(3) - Moved “separate” and “understand” to the allow list, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(17) - Added “certainly" to the allow list.

(17) - Updated the meaning mnemonic and hint and the reading mnemonic and hint.

(21) - Added “severance" to the allow list.

(22) - Moved “untie" from the blocklist to the warning list.

(27) - Added “settle" to the allow list.

(32) - Added “grace" to the allow list.

(32) - Added “pick" to the allow list.

(32) - Added “approve" to the allow list.

(32) - Added “stain" to the allow list.

(32) - Added “hurt" and “injure” to the allow list.

(33) - Added “reverence” to the allow list and added “noble” and “nobility” to the warning list.


五つ (2) - Updated the reading explanation.

(3) - Updated the reading explanation.

友人 (3) - Updated the meaning explanation.

文字 (4) - Updated the reading explanation.

行く (5) - Added ゆく to the warning list.

日光 (5) - Updated the common word combinations.

〜分 (7) - Updated the reading explanation.

欠点 (7) - Added “drawback” to the alternative meaning, moved “weak point,” “flaw,” “weakness,” and “defect” to the allowlist, added “downside” to the allow list, and added “disadvantage” and “failure” to the warning list.

対する (8) - Added “to” to the warning list and added three more collocations.

ガラス (9) - Added “grass” to the block list.

ほとんど (9) - Added “really” to the block list

開ける (10) - Added “to be open” to the block list.

誰か (12) - Combined two context sentences into one because one of them didn’t use the subject vocabulary.

(12) - Added “boyfriend,” “him,” and “his” to the allow list, added collocations, and added three context sentences.

彼ら (12) - Added “them” and “their” to the allow list, added collocations, and added three context sentences.

彼女 (12) - Added “her” to the allow list, added collocations, added three context sentences, and updated one context sentence.

彼氏 (13) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.

選ぶ (13) - Added “to select” and “to select something” to the allow list.

近代的 (14) - Added “temporary” to the block list.

残念 (14) - Added “not bad” to the block list.

折角 (14) - Added “with great effort” to the allow list.

俺ら (14) - Added “us” to the allow list.

(16) - Updated the reading explanation.

外面 (16) - Moved “external appearance” to the primary meaning, moved “exterior” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.

非常 (17) - Updated the two context sentences…

薬方 (17) - Updated the meaning explanation.

求人 (19) - Added collocations, removed two context sentences, and added three new context sentences.

余計 (20) - Added “superfluous” to the allow list.

夢中 (20) - Added “frantic” to the alternative meaning, moved “mad about” to the allow list, added “desperate,” “frantically,” “for dear life,” “losing oneself in,” “ecstasy,” and “feverishly” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

条約 (21) - Added “condition” to the block list.

暴力団 (21) - Added “criminal syndicate” to the allow list.

増加 (21) - Updated the meaning explanation.

増える (21) - Updated the meaning explanation.

公示 (22) - Updated the meaning explanation.

特質 (24) - Updated the meaning explanation.

増す (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

与える (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

律動的 (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

補う (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

結構 (25) - Moved “alright” to the allow list and updated the meaning explanation.

限る (25) - Added “intransitive” as parts of speech, added “to be limited” as the alternative meaning, updated the meaning explanation, added collocations, and added three context sentences.

巻く (25) - Moved “to wind” to the alternative meaning, added “to curl” and “to curl up” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

優れる (25) - Added collocations.

規則正しい (25) - Added “orderly” as the alternative meaning, moved “well regulated” to the allow list, added “disciplined” and “regularly” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

景観 (25) - Moved “landscape” to the primary meaning, moved “scenery” to the alternative meaning, added “cityscape” to the alternative meaning, moved “spectacular view” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

光景 (25) - Moved “scene” to the primary meaning, moved “spectacle” to the alternative meaning, updated the meaning explanation, added three new context sentences and updated one context sentence, and added collocations.

構成 (25) - Moved “composition” to the primary meaning, moved “organization” to the allow list, added “compose” and “composing” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

大違い (26) - Moved “major mistake” to the allow list and added “major difference” to the allow list.

怪事件 (26) - Added “strange event” to the allow list.

従う (26) - Added “to accompany” and “to accompany someone” to the warning list.

​​無我 (26) - Updated the meaning explanation and updated two context sentences.

胃痛 (27) - Added “stomach pain" to the allow list.

無我夢中 (28) - Added “frantic” to the alternative meaning, moved “ecstasy” to the allow list, added “for dear life,” “desperate,” and “feverishly” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

利益 (28) - Added “benefit” and “gain” to the allow list.

​​添付 (29) - Updated the meaning explanation.

押さえる (30) - Added “to catch” to the warning list.

分離 (31) - Removed “する verb” and added “verbal noun” as a word type and added “segregate,” “separate,” “segregating,” “separating,” “detach,” “detachment,” and “detaching” to the allow list.

恐れる (31) - Added “to be afraid” to the allow list.

普通 (31) - Added “common,” “ordinary,” “usual,” “general,” “usually,” “generally,” “ordinarily,” and “in general,” to the allow list.

操作 (31) - Added “manipulation” as the alternative list and updated the meaning explanation.

算定する (35) - Updated the meaning explanation, replaced the collocations with new ones, updated one context sentence, and replaced another context sentence with new one.

(44) - Added よすが, へり, えにし, えに, ゆかり, and えん to the warning list.

稼ぐ (45) - Updated the reading explanation.


  • Level 1: leaf (radical) - moved up to level 2.
  • Level 2: stone/石 (radical) - moved up to level 3.
  • Level 35: (kanji) - moved down to level 12.
  • Level 35: (vocab) - moved down to level 12.
  • Level 35: 彼ら (vocab) - moved down to level 12.
  • Level 37: 彼女 (vocab) - moved down to level 13.
  • Level 35: 彼氏 (vocab) - moved down to level 13.
  • Level 10: 求人 (vocab) - moved up to level 19.

Thanks WK team! :slight_smile:


Thank you, Jenny


Unfortunately, it seems that the legendary kanji-crystal called 分 has shattered! Its fragmented parts have separated in all different directions and scattered into dozens of levels throughout the Vocab-land of WaniKani. Even the wisest elders and bravest heroes require many minutes to track them down and piece them back together so that they might finally understand the ancient 分 crystal once again!

… < ahem > :eyes:

Basically, there are a few vocabs that reference the kanji 分 (in their Meaning Explanations) as “separate”, rather than “part” or “minute”.

For example, 分ける [level 5] says:
[Here I’ve marked pink ‘kanji’ labels/references with bold and purple vocab references as preformatted text.]

Obviously, now that ‘separate’ has been moved to the ‘allowed’ list, it’s no longer accurate to state “The kanji itself means separate (at least, that’s one of its several meanings)”.

Now, in Level 3, this was already handled once with the vocab 分かる [level 3]

No reference to 分 as ‘understand’, so nothing disconnected by this move.

Ordinarily, I might suggest a simple fix, but it seems that there are at least a few places where similar issues arise. Here are the ones I found (may not be a complete list):

  • 分かる [level 3] Talks about 分 as a kanji but does not highlight its meaning as “part” or “parts” with the usual pink kanji label/reference.
  • 分ける [level 5] Makes a pink kanji reference to ‘separate’ (no longer valid after ‘separate’ moved to allow list).
  • 引き分け [level 6] Makes a pink kanji reference to ‘separate’. (Could it perhaps use a purple vocab reference to ‘分ける’ instead (assuming 分ける [level 5] has had its meaning text updated)?)
  • 見分ける [level 6] Makes a pink kanji reference to ‘separate’. However, also mentions the vocab 分ける: “You see something, then you separate (分ける) it.” I might have thought that if one vocab page refers to another vocab page, it would probably use a purple vocab reference instead? In any case, it is currently confusing/inconsistent compared to other WK meaning explanations.
  • 核分裂 [level 45] This one mentions the prior vocab 分裂 [level 43], but uses a pink kanji reference to call it ‘split’ or ‘division’, instead of what I would have expected, a purple vocab reference. " 分裂 means “split” or “division.” "

Perhaps a ‘simple’ fix might be to restore ‘separate’ as one of the alternate meanings for the kanji 分. However, while that may fix one or two of the references, it still looks a little strange to me that the vocab 核分裂 refers to another vocab 分裂, but uses the pink kanji reference/styling to do so.

Are all references to other vocab from within a vocab meaning section styled using the kanji-reference style, throughout WaniKani? Perhaps I just haven’t noticed it before? Or perhaps it really is a mistake, and then that raises the question of how common it is for such mis-matched reference labels/stylings to be used throughout WaniKani… < argh > seems like it might be a headache to keep track of them all and properly/consistently styled! :woozy_face: :anger: :sweat_smile:

I wonder if there’s a more systematic way to make these references from one page to another, with the correct styling being applied automatically (such as with CSS styles)? And also so that if a primary or alternative meaning is moved or removed from a kanji or vocab, perhaps there could be a way to easily list or find all the existing pages that refer to the modified page, so that they could be more-easily double-checked for any side-effects to their meanings or readings.

Anyways, just some observations, thoughts, and possible ideas. Good luck! 頑張ってね!:nerd_face:


Just some feedback:

This part, especially the first sentence, still seems ‘out of place’, since this vocab no longer needs to disambiguate itself from any of the other readings, such as ふん for ‘minute’. And without the first sentence there, I can’t see any need for the other sentences either. You might be able to just remove this whole little paragraph and leave the existing previous paragraph?

One of the context sentences has a double-negative / typo it seems: "It’s something I see every day but I didn’t not notice it at all. "

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:smiling_face_with_tear: i was one day from leveling but now i’m four days away rip

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Please at the vocabulary word 手段 (しゅだん) means, way, measure.



(post deleted by author)

Thank you for the suggestion. Added it on the consideration list! :blush:

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Can this word be added as well? 追加合格

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Thank you for the suggestion. Added them on the consideration list too! :blush:

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Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention! We have resolved them now. :blush:


When will 追加合格 be added?

We’re not sure when it might be added, as there are so many items on the consideration list. Typically, vocabulary words that introduce new readings or meanings of kanji are prioritized. Thank you so much for your understanding and patience. :bowing_woman: