想 (13) - Added “imagine” as the primary meaning and “contemplate” as the alternate meaning, added “imagining,” “think,” “thinking,” “thought,” “concept,” and “contemplation” to the allow list, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
続 (19) - Added 結 (17) to the visually similar list.
袖 (22) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
視 (24) - Updated the meaning mnemonic and added “see” to the warning list.
景 (25) - Updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
銭 (32) - Updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
桟 (60) - Updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
何千 (5) - Updated the reading explanation.
活用 (6) - Updated a common word combination translation.
安い (6) - Updated a context sentence translation.
勝つ (9) - Updated two context sentences.
タバコ (10) - Updated the meaning explanation.
酒飲み (12) - Moved “alcoholic” to the allow list and updated the meaning explanation.
温かい (12) - Added あったかい as a reading and updated the reading explanation.
温める (13) - Added あったかい as a reading and updated the reading explanation.
想定 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
予想 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
思想 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
感想 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
回想 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
幻想 (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.
晴れ (15) - Updated one context sentence translation.
指圧 (20) - Added “pressure” to the warning list.
飛ぶ (20) - Updated the meaning explanation.
借り手 (20) - Added “borrow” to the block list.
責任感 (23) - Updated one context sentence translation.
管 (24) - Updated one context sentence.
頑張れ (27) - Added “hang in there” as the alternative meaning, added “persevere,” “do one’s best,” “hold out,” “try hard,” “try harder,” “hang in,” “try your best,” “try one’s best,” and “go for it” to the allow list, added “hold on” and “come on” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.
屈む (27) - Added “to duck” and “to squat” as the alternative meaning, moved “to lean over” to the allow list, added “to bob down,” “to lower one’s head,” “to lower one’s body,” and “to crouch down” to the allow list, added “to bow down” and “to bend” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.
怒鳴る (27) - Updated the meaning explanation.
揃う (28) - Added “to complete” to the warning list.
暖かい (32) - Updated the reading explanation.
否 (33) - Moved “not” to the alternative meaning, moved いいえ and いえ to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.
真似 (33) - Made “imitation” the primary meaning, made “impersonation” an alternate meaning, added “acting,” “act,” “action,” “behavior,” “behaviour, and “conduct” to the warning list, updated the meaning and reading explanations, and added common word combinations.
物真似 (34) - Added “imitation” and “mimicry” alternate meanings, added “impression” to the allow list, added “caricature” and “parody” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and added common word combinations.
償う (37) - Updated the meaning explanation, and updated one context sentence.
慰問 (43) - Added “paying a sympathy call” as the primary meaning, added “consolation” and “sympathy visit” as the alternative meaning, moved “condolences” to the warning list, moved “sympathy call” to the allow list, added “consoling,” “pay a sympathy call,” “paying a sympathy call,” “paying a sympathy visit,” “a sympathy visit,” and “a sympathy call” to the allow list, added “comfort,” “comforting,” “console,” “visit,” and “visiting” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.
猿真似 (46) - Added “mindless imitation” as an alternate meaning, updated the meaning explanation, updated the context sentence translation, and added common word combinations.
可哀想 (47) - Updated the meaning explanation.
南緯 (53) - Added “northern latitude” and “north latitude” to the block list.
北緯 (53) - Added “southern latitude” and “south latitude” to the block list.
妄想 (60) - Updated the meaning explanation.