内 (3) - Updated the meaning mnemonic.
次 (8) - Updated the meaning mnemonic.
様 (13) - Moved “formal name ender” to the primary meaning, moved “formal name title” to the allow list, added “formal name ending” to the allow list, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
被 (20) - Added “cover” as an alternative meaning, updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
庫 (28) - Added “storehouse” as an alternative meaning and updated the meaning mnemonic.
倉 (31) - Added “storehouse” as an alternative meaning and updated the meaning mnemonic.
上る (2) - Added “to descend” to the block list.
見方 (4) - Updated one common word combination translation.
来月 (5) - Updated one context sentence.
毎年 (5) - Moved まいねん to the warning list, and updated the reading explanation.
毎月 (5) - Moved まいげつ to the warning list, and updated the reading explanation.
大声 (5) - Moved “loud voice” to the primary meaning, moved “large voice” to the allow list, added “shout,” “yell,” “shouting,” “yelling,” and “raised voice to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
毎回 (5) - Updated one context sentence.
今回 (5) - Updated one context sentence.
両日 (6) - Updated one context sentence.
姉妹 (6) - Updated one context sentence.
有る (6) - Updated one context sentence.
知る (6) - Updated one context sentence.
行う (6) - Updated one context sentence.
全国 (6) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
早口 (6) - Replaced one common word combination with a new one.
夏 (7) - Removed one common word combination and added two common word combinations, and updated one context sentence.
中学生 (7) - Replaced one context sentence and added a new one.
以前 (7) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
来週 (7) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
近々 (7) - Moved きんきん to the warning list.
二番 (8) - Updated one context sentence.
前回 (8) - Updated one context sentence.
両者 (8) - Replaced one context sentence and added one context sentence.
人数 (8) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
化ける (8) - Added “to change form” as the primary meaning, moved “to transform” to the alternative meaning, moved “to transform oneself” and “to be transformed” to the allow list, added “to transform into” and “to change into” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
勝つ (9) - Updated one context sentence.
勝者 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
勝負 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
大事 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
必勝 (9) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
発表 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
空手 (9) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
最も (10) - Updated one context sentence.
終点 (10) - Updated one context sentence.
研究所 (10) - Moved “research laboratory,” “research establishment,” and “research lab” to the allow list, added “research institution,” “research organization,” “laboratory,” and “lab” to the allow list, added “lab room” and “research room” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.
研究室 (10) - Added “lab room” as an alternative meaning, moved “lab,” “study room,” “professor’s office,” and “teacher’s office” to the allow list, added “research room” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
勝ち (11) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
競う (11) - Replaced one common word combination with a new one.
〜位 (11) - Updated one context sentence.
第一位 (12) - Replaced one context sentence with a new one.
野球 (12) - Removed one common word combination, added three common word combinations, and replaced one context sentence with a new one.
水泳 (12) - Replaced one common word combination with a new one and replaced a context sentence.
〜様 (14) - Updated the meaning explanation.
皆様 (14) - Updated the meaning explanation.
様々 (15) - Moved “many” to the allow list, added “different,” “various kinds,” “many different,” “numerous,” and “diverse” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
不治 (16) - Moved ふち to the warning list.
書き方 (18) - Added “way to write” to the primary meaning, added “how to write” to the alternative meaning, moved “penmanship” and “manner of writing” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
被る (20) - Moved “to put on” to the primary meaning, moved “to wear” to the alternative meaning, added “to cover oneself with” as an alternative meaning, moved “to put on a hat” and “to wear a hat” to the allow list, added “to have on a hat,” “to have a hat on,” “to have something on,” “to be covered with,” “to be coated,” “to be coated with,” “to pull something over one’s head,” “to dash something over oneself,” “to pour something over oneself,” “to ship over,” abd “to overlap” to the allow list, added “to take” and “to coincide” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, updated the reading explanation, added one context sentence, and updated one context sentence.
建物 (24) - Added “structure” as an alternative meaning, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.
模様 (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.
届ける (26) - Added “to send something,” “to take something,” “to bring something,” “to report something,” “to notify something,” and “to register something” to the warning list.
従える (27) - Added “to have in tow" and “to take along” as the alternative meaning, added “to lead someone,” “to lead,” “to lead along,” “to bring along,” “to bring someone along,” “to take someone along,” “to take in tow,” and “to bring in tow” to the allow list, added “to preside” to the warning list, moved “to preside over” and “to subdue” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, removed one context sentence, added one context sentence, and updated the translation of two context sentences.
庫 (28) - Added “storehouse” as the primary reading, moved “warehouse” to be an alternative meaning, added “kura” as an alternative meaning, added “Japanese storehouse” and “traditional Japanese storehouse” to the allow list, added “armory,” “granary,” “storage,” “cellar,” “brewery,” and “storehouse shop” to the warning list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.
逆効果 (28) - Moved ぎゃっこうか to the warning list.
精度 (28) - Updated the meaning explanation.
巨人 (28) - Replaced three context sentences with new ones.
清い (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
針金 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
記録 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
妙薬 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
精度 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
過程 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
不潔 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
反攻 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
兵隊 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
横浜 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
凍死 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
幼児 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
精神 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
程 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
逆らう (28) - Removed two context sentences, updated the translation of one context sentence, and added one context sentences.
金庫 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
比較的 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
逆 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added four context sentences.
夫婦 (28) - Added おとめ and みょうと to the warning list, and added three context sentences.
逆効果 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
憲政 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
幼い (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
軍隊 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
庫 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
降る (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
幼年時代 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
逆説 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
独り言 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
録音 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
面接する (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
微か (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
浜 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
創造的 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
利益 (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
退く (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added five context sentences.
博物館 (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
処分 (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
凍結 (28) - Added one context sentence.
進撃 (28) - Added one context sentence.
並ぶ (28) - Added two context sentences.
修士 (28) - Added two context sentences.
回復する (28) - Added two context sentences.
傘立て (28) - Added two context sentences.
〜券 (28) - Added two context sentences.
攻撃 (28) - Added two context sentences.
回数券 (28) - Added two context sentences.
博打 (28) - Added two context sentences.
専攻 (28) - Added two context sentences.
矢印 (28) - Added two context sentences.
公益 (28) - Added two context sentences.
移住 (28) - Added two context sentences.
輸入する (28) - Added two context sentences.
旅券 (28) - Added three context sentences.
巨大 (28) - Added three context sentences.
直接的 (28) - Added three context sentences.
衆議院 (28) - Added three context sentences.
家政婦 (28) - Added three context sentences.
清潔 (28) - Added three context sentences.
無我夢中 (28) - Added three context sentences.
登録 (28) - Added three context sentences.
郵便箱 (28) - Added three context sentences.
大間違い (28) - Added three context sentences.
児童 (28) - Added three context sentences.
お菓子屋 (28) - Added three context sentences.
幼稚 (28) - Added three context sentences.
移民 (28) - Added three context sentences.
移動 (28) - Added three context sentences.
冷凍庫 (28) - Added three context sentences.
我々 (28) - Added three context sentences.
国益 (28) - Added three context sentences.
〜隊 (28) - Added three context sentences.
婦人 (28) - Added three context sentences.
郵便局 (28) - Added three context sentences.
貯金箱 (28) - Added three context sentences.
修理 (28) - Added three context sentences.
移す (28) - Added three context sentences.
撃つ (28) - Added three context sentences.
車庫 (28) - Added three context sentences.
故に (28) - Added three context sentences.
身振り (28) - Added three context sentences.
従兄弟 (28) - Added three context sentences.
郵便番号 (28) - Added three context sentences.
何故なら (28) - Added three context sentences.
程度 (28) - Added three context sentences.
前売り券 (28) - Added three context sentences.
憲法 (28) - Added three context sentences.
冷たい (28) - Added three context sentences.
傘 (28) - Added three context sentences.
痛む (28) - Added three context sentences.
綺麗 (28) - Added three context sentences.
微妙 (28) - Added one context sentence.
間違える (28) - Added one context sentence.
凍る (28) - Added four context sentences.
主婦 (28) - Added four context sentences.
妙 (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
浜辺 (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
有益 (28) - Updated one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
微生物 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
入隊 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
星占い (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
冷静 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, removed two context sentences, and added two context sentences.
振り仮名 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
大衆 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
攻める (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
並 (28) - Updated the translation of one context sentence, and added two context sentences.
潔い (28) - Removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences, and added “honorable” as the primary meaning, added “dignified” as the alternative meaning, added “noble,” “sportsmanlike,” and “admirable” to the allow list, moved “pure” and “pure hearted” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.
入り江 (29) - Updated the reading explanation.
恐怖症 (29) - Updated the meaning explanation.
怖い (29) - Added “fearful” to the allow list, added “fierce,” “stern,” “strict,” “terrible,” “dreadful,” “frightening,” and “terrifying” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.
恐ろしい (29) - Added “terrifying” as the primary meaning, added “frightening” and “dreadful” to the alternative meaning, moved “scary” and “fearful” to the allow list, added “terrible” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated the reading explanation.
倉 (31) - Added “storehouse” as the primary reading, moved “warehouse” to be an alternative meaning, added “kura” as an alternative meaning, added “Japanese storehouse” and “traditional Japanese storehouse” to the allow list, added “granary,” “storage,” “cellar,” “brewery,” and “storehouse shop” to the warning list, updated the meaning and reading explanations, and updated a context sentence.
倉庫 (31) - Made “warehouse” the primary meaning, “storehouse” the alternative meaning, added “shed” to the allow list, added “granary” and “storeroom” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.
尊い (33) - Moved たっとい to the warning list, and updated the reading explanation.
蔵 (33) - Added “Japanese storehouse” and “kura” as an alternative meanings, added “traditional Japanese storehouse” to the allow list, added “warehouse,” “cellar,” “brewery,” and “storehouse shop” to the warning list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.
貴様 (34) - Updated the meaning explanation.
殿様 (40) - Updated the meaning explanation.
揚げ (44) - Added “prefix” to the word type, moved “deep-fried” to the primary meaning, moved “fried” to the allow list, added “deep-fried tofu” to the allow list, added common word combinations, updated one context sentence, added two context sentences, and updated the meaning explanation.
〜妃 (49) - Added “queen” as the alternative meaning, added “queen consort” and “consort” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
王妃 (49) - Added “queen consort” as the alternative meaning, added “consort” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, removed one context sentence, and added three context sentences.
胡座 (53) - Added こざ to the warning list.