The Level 60 compilation - Learn from those that did it! 🍰

Do it to flex :muscle:

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Maybe you don’t need to necessarily talk about the burns. If you want to write something, maybe something like “What have I learned about how to study Japanese”. What you did that didn’t work, what you did that did work, and what you didn’t and should had done earlier kind of thing :thinking:


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I added my post to the OP. Hopefully it serves to stop anyone attempting to disrupt their sleep schedule to get the record haha.


u just want to keep the record don’t you


I have no idea what you are talking about.


Added a bunch of new threads to the list but there are oh so many more. There’s a really sizeable chunk of level 60 users out there!

That would be cool but also a lot of work. Maybe just divide between Guides vs. Celebration posts for now with the possibility of making more categories later on (comprehensive guides vs. reflections)?


What a great list. About time someone compiled these. Thanks!

I thought: wouldn’t it be awesome to see the list annotated with both the date of the level-60 post and how long it took them (the time between joining and the date of the post).

Then I thought: What a pain it would be to compile that info manually.

Then I thought, I guess I could write a throw-away script to do it, but you’d have to re-run it every time there was an edit.

Then I thought: Hey, wait, I could write a tampermonkey userscript that lets you hover over a link while holding down a key to see the username and profile of the OP, age/date of the post, and time between OP joining and creating the post!

Then I thought: That would be fun. I’ll add it to the list of scripts I want to write.

Then I decided to take a nap until the feeling went away, hoping someone else writes the script before me.


Thank you for creating this thread. There is really good advice in there and I think it’s going to keep some people motivated.
I’ve been slacking since I hit 60 but I just got back to it because I’d like to burn everything at some point.
There’s a final piece of advice I’d like to give to the baby durtles in here: use a reversed deck or something to make sure you can actually produce the kanji you know and not just recognised them.
This will come in handy for JLPT for example and life in general if you plan on using Japanese later in real life.
I’ve lacked in practicing kanji this way and I feel like I forgot some of them along the way. Best thing is to create sentences with a list of grammar points you want to review as well because it gives more context and substance to the reviewing process. For example if want to review “rain” i’ll pick a grammar point in my list (you can use JLPT lists) and create a sentence: が降りそうですね

Of course, if you have actual real life occasions to practice (penpal, family, etc) that’s even better.
In any case, don’t give up, the view is awesome up there.

Are you THE fastest? Did you use any script? Would be interesting to know who are the fastest ten people. And how they managed to be so fast.

Through much pain and suffering from interminable reviews.

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But I would like to know if the fastest person used scripts or not.

Yes, they did.

I wonder if anyone has completed WK within a year without using any scripts :thinking:


Me too.

(Post too short infill)

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I’m not by any means the fastest person in here but I can tell you that the typo script was really a must have for me. Especially if you’re doing your reviews quickly because of reasons, whenever you get a typo, if you don’t have the script then you delay your item inevitably.
That said, you must impose yourself a very strict discipline (an oath? :laughing:) and never ever use it for validating unknown items because a. it’s cheating and b. this will end up cost you more time in the long run.
Most of the other scripts I used are really for comfort because I like reviewing this or that way and I’m not sure they’re really saving you time.
I also use the No Cigar script because there are many items for which the leeway that WK grants you for answering might let you enter wrong answers that will confuse you in using your knowledge later.

The back to back script is also very useful imho and lets you stop review batches at any moment if you have to.


Well, I wasn’t planning on spending my day reading over multiple threads about how to “win” WaniKani, but here I am, and I am ready for it.

I did use scripts, however, I didn’t skip the vocab lessons, I just did them last (generally I did all of my level up reviews in 2 hours).

There is someone who did it in less than a year without an undo script, but AFAIK afterwords they had to reset to 47 and still have 1000s of reviews piled up.

Edit: Here it is, with 353 days: My Wanikani journey of 353 days, or what not to do

@ekuroe since you were curious too