The JLPT 2021 Thread (RESULTS OUT NOW!)

N3. Mixed feelings here. Expected to fail. Didn’t expect to be so close to passing, just 1 point… :sweat_smile: I ran out of time at the reading section :pleading_face: If anyone has any tips/books recommendation for reading, I’d be so happy to hear.

Congrats to everyone else! I’ll try again in December 2022.


You’ll have it next time for sure!

As for the reading section, one strategy is to read the questions first, so you know what to look for. Another is to do the passages in order of the ones that have the most questions- if Passage A has 3 questions and Passage B has 1 question, it’s advised to work on Passage A’s questions first.

Additionally, here’s a general test prep guide, the section about taking the test may be relevant for you


For your question “how else would you do any of the other sections?” I used 新完全マスターN1,N2,N3 for 文法 (I didn’t sign up for N2, N3, N4, so I need those books to build the foundation); speed master N2 and power doriru N1 for 語彙; and I did the past exams from 2011-2014.


I passed N3 with 145/180. Listening is even one point better than reading. Eventhough I always thought of listening as my weakest point.


So, I passed ! I am very happy. I am just a little disappointed in the reading section as I know this can be a strong point of mine, but I spent way too much time on grammar (my bad point). And I just realized now how bad of s strategy it was, since grammar counts with vocab. I should definitely have started with reading, but at least I still could make it.
For listening, well, that’s not too bad considering that I didn’t work on that at all. My only training was my grammar lessons in full Japanese with my online tutor. I guess it’s not too bad. But I will have to change my way of learning and exam strategy if I want to pass N2 :slight_smile:


I not only passed N2 but i got pretty close to getting a full score 178/180. Yay! :grin:

Was pretty confident right after the test but then as weeks went on started doubting myself and was pleasantly surprised today to get a great score :laughing:

Gives me confidence to try N1 this year :wink:


I’m sure you’ll make it! :+1:


For the test prep specifically I haven’t seen a better book then Shin-Kanzen Master. When doing the exercises it’s important to time yourself as it’s often easy enough to find a correct answer if you have an hour but get pretty tricky to do it in 5 minutes.

In addition you should start reading more native content bit by bit. Try reading コンビニ人間 for example. It’s a novel aimed at Japanese adults but it’s pretty short and is reasonably easy. There are even book club threads here on WK reading and dissecting it together.


Passed N4!

Honestly a little bit disapointed with the score of the first part, even if I was out of time for reading and answered randomly to the last 3-4 questions.

Also surprised by the listening section, I did much better than I thought. I remembered understanding quite a lot, but then doubting a lot to choose the correct answer.

Now if I am motivated, maybe N3 in December!




Nooooo! It’s the worst :grimacing:



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Congrats everyone! You guys are legends! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Don’t know how different the US jlpt process is but I took jlpt in Denmark and Norway and in both cases they sent me the test voucher by email so that I can print it out. And the test voucher has the registration number.


Congrats to everyone!

It was my first time ever taking a JLPT exam and I passed N4!
So so so so happy (and proud) because I was pretty much a ball of stress the day of the exam and thought I completely failed the listening part, but the grades proved me wrong!


Thanks to WaniKani, the kanji part was the easiest :sweat_smile:

I feel relieved and pumped up to start learning N3 curriculum and do more reading training. Any good book recommendations for someone around lvl 14 of WaniKani to have fun yet challenging reading training? :blush: (or an existing topic, if there is one around here :eyes: )


ok so I passed! Just, literally, with the bare minimum, but passing is passing and so I will continue studying for N1 in the (distant) future.


congrats to everyone who passed :tada:


Well, I failed N2 as expected. Reading has always been my strength (thanks Wanikani!) Missed the listening section by 8 points. Ah, well. I’m not disappointed because I didn’t take it very seriously :joy:. Anyway, I’ll be back in July for sure. Not quitting that easily. I’m really going to study Japanese harder this year because I know I should be way better than I am. Congrats to everyone who passed!

And if you didn’t, please don’t give up! You now know exactly what you need to improve on for next time :slight_smile:


I passed N5 with full marks! :partying_face: Will try for N4 this June


I passed N2 (much to my surprise lol):smile:
But I was wondering if anyone else are having problems with applying for the certificate?
Whenever I push the green “Apply certificate issue” button, “Select Selected Test” appear :neutral_face:
I’ve only over done JLPT this one time, and no matter where I look, I can’t find any checkbox to tick off my test (select it). Was wondering if I’m just really stupid and have overlooked something :sweat_smile: