JLPT 2024!

July : 7th of July 2024
December : 1st of December 2024

Official website.
Sample tests.

Are you planning on taking the JLPT this year? Why or why not?
When, where, which level?
How are you preparing for it? Is there anything you’ve learned from previous attempts that made your change your approach for your next attempt?

Feel free to share study tips and advise or ask questions.

For me, I passed the N4 in 2022 July with the score 170/180 , And just took the n3 just yesterday!Edit : passed the n3 with 159/180 taken in december of 2022 , now i have taken the N2 and have passed with 100! not very good but at least i passed

Are you planning on taking the JLPT in July 2024

  • Yes
  • maybe
  • No
0 voters

What level are you planning on taking the JLPT in July 2024

  • N5
  • N4
  • N3
  • N2
  • N1
0 voters

Are planning on taking the JLPT in December 2024

  • Yes
  • maybe
  • No
0 voters

What level are you planning on taking the JLPT in December 2024

  • N5
  • N4
  • N3
  • N2
  • N1
0 voters

Also I did steal someone’s old jlpt thread , why because their one was way better than the one I made!:joy:

To add on that I do realise I made this thread really early just due to me wanting to do the thread but not wanting anyone else to do it first :sweat_smile:.Congrats to everyone on last years tests lets try again this year !

my story :
i started learning japanese in 2020 like most people just due to the fact that was the time that i was introduced to japanese culture , anime as a first but then my interest grew a lot and i mean a lot.I didn’t take the n5 and went to straight for the n4 , then i did the n3 6 months later .I took the n2 a few weeks ago and passed now its time for me to take the n1 .This year i will be applying to do an exchange type program from the uk to japan for a year :0.I really can’t believe how much i’ve done as i’m probably one of the most demotivated person in the world. I really want to make a huge advance this yea in terms of japanese as i’m getting closer to the date i will leave to japan, i’m really thankful to wanikani for this , and everyone here ! Level 60 and n1 here i come haha.

thank you !,


And don’t forget that you can use the n-level threads to record your progress, share resources, or lament with one another :angel:

The N1 ThreadThe N2 ThreadThe N3 ThreadThe N4 ThreadThe N5 Thread

Good luck this year, everyone!


Thanks so much for creating a thread once again! I was already longing to get study motivation by reading everyone’s JLPT resolutions for 2024 :innocent:

I successfully registered for N4 in July in Düsseldorf. N5 results spurred me a lot. I’m looking forward to all the progress I’ll make during the next half a year


I would do JLPT in the summer if I weren’t abroad at the time :joy:
December it is!


I personally don’t plan to take the test, but I want to get to N1 level by the end of the year, although I would also be very happy with N2.


I’m thinking about doing the N4 because I’m already close to N5 level so maybe by this summer I could get to N4


N1 in one year is pretty rough. I have read some of your study log, so I don’t intend to argue about it being possible or not, but I do feel like giving one piece of unsolicited advice :see_no_evil:

Imo a mistake a lot of people make is taking the JLPT levels too far. They’ve figured out how they want to study, have a goal for what they want to be able to do, have a routine down and everything, and then they throw all that out the window in a desperate attempt to pass the highest JLPT level possible.
They’ll read less to make time for cramming JLPT prep books, even though being able to read was their goal. They’ll learn a bunch of words and grammar points that some list says are important for the JLPT, instead of learning things that are actually important to them.
Suddenly, a test that was supposed to serve as a nice milestone along the way became its own journey.

I’m all for using the JLPT as motivation, but I believe aiming for the highest level one can possibly achieve often does more harm than good :speak_no_evil:


I would love to be able to pass N3 by the end of the year. I’m going to see how things are going in a couple of months, and decide if I should focus on trying to pass it. I’ll probably be super busy, so maybe it makes more sense to aim for N4.


I see, I left some impressions hehe :wink:

This is something I don’t plan to do :slight_smile: The JLPT is just a orientation for me, since I have zero background with Japanese. Before I will start effectively learning for N1, I’ll make sure that I got my general Japanese skills to a level where I could comfortably use it in everyday situations and for reading :slight_smile: Perhaps this is my true goal? To just get to a conversational level? Though I aim for N1, it’s not the most important goal for me right now. I will still learn the grammar points from it on Bunpro, but most likely won’t do any specific practice for it.


I would like to challenge N1 again, as I failed by 9 points years ago and want revanche :joy:.
In my head, I failed because I didn’t know the kanji. I just wasn’t ready back then and immediately gave up on it.

I want to take my time and prepare the best I can while keeping it fun. In addition, I have courses for work I need to pass so I can’t really devote my time this year.

At this moment, I want to make July 2025 my target and combine it with a trip to Japan. It’s so far away, but I’m already really looking forward to it :star_struck:


Im going to try the N3 this summer.
But until then I have to study a lot more. Not only Kanji but also Grammar. The only part I am confident in is listening.


planned on retaking the N2 after barely passing it last summer. I think i passed by 2 points and my experience was horrible because my train broke down on the way and i barely made it to the test ground 5 min after they already started.

sadly, all the spots were already filled so i was not registered for the N2 this summer. Maybe in Winter then, who knows.


I’m undecided about taking the JLPT and curious if anyone takes the JLPT just out of curiosity to see where there level is at and if their studying is (or isn’t) paying off? I’ve read some people need to take it to qualify for job or school programs, so there’s also a little guilt that I could be taking a precious test slot when I’m studying Japanese more for personal interest. (I’m half Okinawan, and hoping to travel more to Japan in the near future and reconnect with family and my culture/roots.)

Initially I didn’t think I would take it, but I’m really interested in going for it at the end of the year. Especially because I do 2-3 hrs of online tutoring. My tutors seem to complement my efforts…but I don’t know how accurate that is or if they are just being overly polite :rofl: and would love to get a more accurate sense of my ability.

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Looks like July JLPT slots will be opening up in applicable countries in about two weeks. If you’re on the fence about the summer test, this might be a good time to schedule a mock exam for yourself :memo:

List of test centers: List of Overseas Test Site Cities and Local Host Institutions | JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test


I don’t need the JLPT for anything, I just do it, to have a goal. I do it, to motivate me to diversify my studies. I recommend taking the JLPT if you want to see where you’re at and motivate you to consume various types of media. The JLPT can be a nice milestone, but if you don’t like taking tests or are more stressed about it than learning for it will bring you joy, then you probably should not take it.
Also, personally, I do not think, that there is something immoral about taking a slot someone else might need. If you want, you can register a couple days after the opening of the application process, so that everyone whoe abolutly NEEDS a spot will have secured one. The JLPT is only held once or twice per year, depending on the country and it’s always on the same dates, so anyone who really needs it, has plenty of time to prepare for application.


I was planning to go for N2 in July, I probably would have barely managed the kanji part if I’d only done wanikani. Then I realised the test is smack dab in the middle of my uni exams and changed my goal to December. By then, passing N2 would probably be fairly easy, so the slightly delulu maniac part inside me decided to see if I can manage to go for N1! Possibly impossible, but there’s still a few months left to see how it goes until registration opens… The surest way to fail is to not even try :fire: :fire:

Thanks for this thread btw. Anyone else taking the test in Germany? (@NeoArcturus ?:smirk:)


If you want to go for it, do it! People are responsible for their own life choices, and chances are there are enough places that anyone who really wants it can get in if they’re fast enough. If you still feel the need to be (excessively, but that’s just an opinion) considerate, you could wait a week or so after registration opens, and if there’re still test slots left after that time, you know that everyone who was actually desperately planning on taking it has already registered. (edit: oops I saw someone else already suggested the same above… great minds think alike? or maybe it’s just obvious.)

I’m totally taking it just for fun and to have a tangible learning goal, and I don’t think that any reason for taking the JLPT is inherently better or worse than another.


I’m in Austria :wink:

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The devastation :sob:


Don’t worry about it lol

I’m curious, though, how you knew that I live in a German-speaking country.

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