Are those upcoming reviews a normal amount to have at your level? Seems insane.
Upcoming review count is more a function of pace and accuracy than of level. I tend to do around 20 lessons/day which lets me level up about every 10 days (this does mean some days I have no lessons left to do, so it ends up being around 100 lessons/week rather than 140). With that pace and my accuracy (~90%) that results in the upcoming reviews usually predicting 500-700 reviews a week. Because some items will get reviewed more than once a week because of mistakes or being in apprentice stages, that normally equates to me doing about 800-1000 reviews/week.
The way the maths work out, to reduce the review count, you either need to spread your lessons out more, or get a higher accuracy in your reviews.
If you’re interested, here’s my stats per week for the year so far (well I started recording like Jan 5th, so week 1 is not quite right) - columns are weekly lessons, reviews and time in hours and minutes:
Insane?!? Mwahahahahaha
This is a pretty common schedule at Lvl 48
But rest assured because by then, It feels really normal.
Eventually you will get used to practice every day.
In my case It means two sessions on average, first one at 6 or 7 a.m. The other at 7 p.m.
That amounts for 1:30 to 2 hours of Study going at full speed (1 Level per week).
This phrase sums it up…
(tempted to wait for 420 reviews xd)
I’ll do the 0|0 thing tomorrow, for now radicals will do.
Fast levels will start appearing with level 43. I’m excited, but not sure if I can keep up
35 I think this is a lot easier once it’s just a streak to maintain rather than a huge pile of lessons to plow through.
Level 18 0/0 woo!
This thread keeps me doing reviews and lessons reliably and I am so grateful for its existence. I hate missing a streak.
What UI scripts are you using? Loving that radial chart
That’s the Dashboard Cockpit script
Level 42. Life, the Universe and Everything… except pending lessons and reviews. 0/0 again
I’ve spent most of my weekend reading Aokana again. I’m at the 7th chapter and apparently the story will branch off there to different endings… the game doesn’t seem to end, Steam says I’m at 170 hours already XD
Anyway, here’s my obligatory 0 | 0. This level is super easy as I’m already familiar with some kanji that appeared in the visual novel.
Also from now on I’m going to do 2 levels a week!
Except lvl.45 which has 3 radicals and too few kanji to make up 90 %… ᗜ˰ᗜ