Test Your Japanese Vocabulary Size



I feel like it should be 42+…


But that wouldn’t be as insulting make sense for a test


Well, I did it anyway.


I did the french one and it’s hard af. If you’re not a native, don’t even expect to have more than 15 to 20 out of 50.

Joining the club of 8 year olds! This is bumming me out though haha.

But I highly doubt that I know more English vocab than German :joy:




I’m perfectly qualified to talk to my students about Doraemon. :joy::joy::joy:



Did it side by side with the Norwegian =P

Real score: I got some in the beginning, but then I gave up and just clicked something on most of them.
I like how 5280 is 4 year old, but 5430 is 8 years old =P


I’m actually quite surprised to get placed this high. Might have gotten lucky with those guesses, I think I might be in the 5000~6000 range in vocabulary size.

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nice to see that there some Germans here :smiley:

I got top 5% in my native language (French) and top 0.16% in English… I guess living here 9 years stamped my first language out!

But for a more nuanced explanation, many fancy English words are just regular French words, while fancy French words are just… something alien.

I got 8 year old for both Japanese (the language I’m starting) and German (the language I’ve forgotten) and then 18 year old for Spanish (I lived in South America for a year, so I remember a lot, but a lot of these words were just basically French anyway)


Dang this is pretty humbling. Basically exactly at 50th percentile on this for Japanese. Oh well, just gotta keep consuming native material!

LOL. btw, I really want to learn Norwegian after I’m done with Japanese and Korean. It seems like the best entry point for north germanic languages.

A lot of people getting 8 year old child. I wonder what an 8 year old child would actually get… :thinking:

Apparently I’m just an 8 year old child everywhere.


Team 8-years-olds.


Complete lies.

I agree with @Nofaith about the quality of the Russian test. They just translated it from the English one.


From the looks of it I’m not sure there are many options other than 8 year old child, 18 year old teen, white collar worker and “insert language’s best poet” ?

The words tested are also the same in every language (and I’m pretty sure the answers are in the same order too)

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I think some of these questions on the test did show that knowing the kanji (which is really what WK is mainly teaching) is not the only think you need. In some cases, they ask for a synonym and the choice with kanji that have synonymous meanings isn’t a synonym for the word.

WK doesn’t teach the usage of vocabulary, or the nuances of it (though I’m not necessarily saying that this test is a good measure of vocabulary ability).

WK covers a lot of the kanji you’ll see on the JLPT, but the study of vocab is an entirely different thing. WK is fine for things like 車 and other concrete concepts, but it won’t tell you how 説明 is different from 解釈. It just gives “explanation” as the meaning for both. You need that kind of knowledge to answer N2 and N1 questions correctly.


Ok, I don’t think this is right:


It should be a lot less than 2850 words! Out of the 50, I self-scored two that I knew (big/small, begin/stop). The others were all gibberish.


If you know English to any extent, you can give yourself a lot of credit for many katakana loanwords (which this test really didn’t cover at all).

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Ahh, much better (had to massage my ego a bit)
