I’m sure this isn’t really an accurate resource, but it was fun to do anyway!
The test consists of 50 questions about synonyms and antonyms with four options given to choose from. There is no “I don’t know”-button so if you don’t know you have to guess. Hopefully the test takes lucky guesses into account
Anyway, my amazing result is…
Thought it could be fun to share our results and see how we stack up against Japanese kids and toddlers (or maybe you’re all college graduate level in which case you may laugh at me).
this was fun! a lot of the onyomi questions felt more like puzzles than a vocab quiz; i had no clue what kanji the question word should convert to at first, but looking at the 4 answers and using test-taking-savvy i could narrow down the possibilities (for example seeing 静寂 made me realize たべん must be 多弁). it felt like my WK learnings were pulling weight even when i didn’t know the words.
also i was quite proud of myself for knowing the 孤軍奮闘・四面楚歌 question from having spent a wholly irresponsible amount of time reading yoji for fun on jisho >.>;
then the obscure kunyomis and obscure kanji ones at the end came and slaughtered me, あながち? 齟齬?
Got pretty tough at the end when there was a buncha yojijukugo. The only one I knew in the question was 魑魅魍魎, but I didnt know any of what the answers meant so it was hard to answer lol.
I don’t think this is very reliable. I knew maybe just five questions out of 50, and still got 41.20% at the end. I’m pretty sure a 8 year old japanese boy knows more than me.
I actually read that one recently in the book from the intermediate book club.
I remember looking it up and being like “oh, cool, I learned a thing”. Today: couldn’t remember what the hell it meant…