Subscribed today

Congratulations on your level up!
Don’t worry about timings so much. This is a journey not a race. So enjoy your time here and try to not put too much pressure on yourself. You’re doing great :slight_smile:


Keep doing what you’re doing but don’t be afraid to slow down if things get too much. Otherwise you might burn out, like I did and probably many others :wink:

Remember that WK isn’t something to rush and its not going to be something that you can do just with pure motivation. It takes too long for that. You need routine for this kind of thing :slight_smile:

Also good to know is that things will get significantly harder on the ~1 month mark and the ~6 month mark, when you start getting your master->enlightened and enlightened->burned reviews respectively. Each will result in additional reviews every day and if you get many of them wrong, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.


i almost burned out in level 9 :eyes:
I second this


Hurray ! Welcome to the start of the journey !

This may sound like an exaggeration, but I genuinely think starting Wanikani may have been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made !

Consistency is key - and as mentioned above, building reviews and lessons into your daily routine will really help. Wanikani is as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth…The last time I went a day without reviewing was… ONE YEAR AGO TODAY. Gadzooks.

Good luck in your Japanese adventure.



Now I’m kinda afraid :< Burnout going to be the biggest challenge to overcome

I’ll try my best too, to make it my daily routine. May I ask if you had a specific time you studied or it’s sporadic?

Worry not. I did a mistake at level 9 (doing all lessons) as soon as i get them

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I personally do the majority of me reviews as soon as I get up at about 7:30 - then lessons (if I have them and if my apprentice count is reasonably low).

I used to do them in the evening - but found doing them after work was a bit of a chore !

Love my morning review session - bowl of porridge, cup of tea - and no distractions :slight_smile:


Thank uu, sounds wonderful. :> I hope I’ll be able to do that throughout the year

If you’re doing your lessons just about as soon as they come out and don’t get too much wrong you’re going to naturally average out to about 7 days per level. Levels 1 and 2 are both very light on kanji so they’re always quite short. My level 2 is my best time by like 2 whole days, but 8 days isn’t anything to be ashamed of (that’s about how long my average level takes). Best of luck, and just remember that whatever pace best suits you is the one to do! This isn’t a class, we’re not doing this because we’re required to be done at a certain time, it’s all for our own satisfaction and learning. So work hard, but don’t take it too seriously or you might burn out. Always feel free to reach out to the community if you have questions!



Have to second this, both on WK being awesome and on the power of consistency - took me quite a while though, but I totally understand what it means to have WK being part of my life now. I think the only regret I have with my subscription is, funnily enough, not having done so earlier! (And that’s only because I didn’t realise WK exists before then :angryaya:)


Thank you for the kind advices :>

I just reached level 5 and the same thing happened to me on level 3 which made me worry too. Felt better reading this thread!
Thanks @miyo98 for posting and everyone for their replies


Ain’t that kinda weird? Like we put so much time out of our days into this program and sure it’s hard, but at a certain point it just becomes routine. Assuming I make it that far, I’m wondering how it’s gonna feel to finish WK once I hit level 60 and start burning everything and suddenly not have like 200 reviews to do a day. And I haven’t even been on that long. I started last August and am projected to finish in March, and yet the idea of not constantly having reviews and/or lessons to do sounds so strange!


There’s grammer study and vocabulary study (at least that what i plan on continue doing)

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And yet you successfully reached level 49! :slight_smile:
Thanks for the motivation!

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Welcome! I just unsubscribed so you can take my place. Keep the durtles happy.

Be careful noy to burn yourself out. Around level seven I began to get swarmed with reviews but so far it hasn’t gotten harder than that. You’ll do fine if you just keep at it!
Btw remember to turn on vecation mode if you are taking a extended break from wanikani (otherwise it’ll be hell when you get back)
This is my progress so far


Thank you, I’ll be careful. You’re doing great ^^ @EpicOlesen

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Only Koichi can do Level 3 faster than 6 days 20 hours (which also means you can’t sleep) and that’s because he took 0 days 0 hours so Ke could get to Level Infinity, which awards a free trip to the Hilbert Hotel.
