I don’t think that you need to go super fast. However, I do think you can do better WK is very much dependent on organization. For example, each time you level up, you can choose to do the vocab, the kanji, the radicals or all mixed. You have to do them all, right? However, doing them in the right order is essencial to save you time. To level up, you need all 90% of the Kanji guru’d. This means that you need 100% of the radicals guru’d (radicals unlock Kanji). It’s wise then to start the lessons with radicals. Install the reorder script for this.
Also, realize that WK works on a 12h schedule. I’ll explain:
To guru an item, you need to get it right 4 times in a row. Each time will have a different waiting period: 4h,8h,23h and 1d23h respectively. Just think of these as 12h cycles.
4h + 8h = 12h (1st and 2nd reviews)
23h (let’s consider 2x12h) (3rd review)
1d23h (let’s consider 2x1d/4x12h). (4th review)
What can you do with this? You can make your own schedule for WaniKani. If you do your lessons at 10 am, you’ll unlock the 1st reviews at 2pm (+4h) and the 2nd reviews at 10 pm. This is a 12h cycle. The 3rd review will appear in the following day at 10 pm (2x12h cycles) and the final review before guru will appear 2 days after at 10pm. Did you notice the pattern?
Find a 12h cycle schedule where you can find 10 minutes to be available for WaniKani. Can you do lessons at 9am and 9pm? Then your schedule will be at 9am and 9pm. This depends on your availability.
You will need to use WK 4 times per day. (example: 9am/1pm/9pm/1am). However, it’s easier to find 10 minutes 4 times a day than 40 minutes in a row. You’ll be also respecting the SRS intervals which are designed by the WK to ask you for an item right before you forget it. Doing a lesson and then not picking up WK until the end of the day is not a good idea. The item will be waiting for hours and hours when it only should have waited 4h.
Won’t this make you level up too fast leading you to burn out? It depends.
By having a 12h cycle schedule, you’ll be saving the excessive dead time between reviews. Your % of items that you get right will also go up. You’ll lvl up faster. This won’t lead you to burn out. The biggest factor in WK to worry about is not doing too many new lessons every day. Think about what’s your ideal number of lessons to do per day. Control that and you’ll be fine