Subscribed but no access to later kanji

I just subscribed to WaniKani after finishing all the content in level 3. After hitting the subscribe button at the bottom of the page I was given an error. I now have a blue box on my dashboard that says: “The Crabigator Is Sad That You Are No Longer A Follower.” On the subscription page it says I already have an active yearly subscription. I do not have access to the kanji beyond level 3 even though it says I’m level 4. Anyone know how to fix this?

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I have, still waiting on a response though :(.

For some reason the automated upgrade on your account didn’t occur. I manually set the correct status on your account; you should be good to go. Sorry about that.


OK great. I see the reviews now. Thanks.

Oh boy, just for reporting that bug alone you deserve a sect name.

I have exactly the same problem if someone can sort it please.

Tagging @viet just to be sure

Sorted thanks! Can’t wait to continue my journey, loving it so far.

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