Strange use of the conjunctive in casual dialogue

I randomly decided to boot up FFVII today and I noticed that I couldn’t quite make full sense of a grammatical construction in this sentence:


I would translate this roughly as “What are you guys doing?! Didn’t I tell you not to stick together?!

My issue is simply with the 言って at the end. I would have expected 言った or something like that, not just a loose conjunctive like this. I presume it’s some kind of very casual construction but I’d like to understand what it conveys exactly.

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Isn’t 言ってんだろ a shortened form of 言っているだろ or something to that effect?

Like how 何してんの is 何しているの


There is an explanation of the various てん contraction here:

Basically the conclusion is:



My genki textbook says it’s the polite form of つってんだろ

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さすが Genki-sama


Ah thank you, I must have encountered that in the past without even noticing it because it seems fairly common, I’ll pay closer attention in the future. I assumed the ん was just the “explication” の and unrelated to what preceded.