Show me your books!

That looks very organised!

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that looks beefy!

am so embarrassed how messy my pile is…


this one is on my desk

surprisingly, it’s about cats…

i can’t really read any of those yet…

most our manga is in english and is in the boys’ room.

edit: i spy a @Abstormal whose pictures are gonna double embarrass me… *sighs


I used to have a thread where I showed my ever growing collection. But due to not updating regularly enough it got closed for inactivity =P

But this is what I had:

I have a lot more now :rofl:

Old images (from that post) showing what I had about two years ago or so =P


I was too lazy to show my recent =P
But did have a good bit in my old saved up file :wink:

Oh I can still edit :thinking:
I might update it some day, even though no one can reply :rofl:


i’d say somethin but i’m too busy keeping my lower jaw attached to my face…


My thread was aptly named a hoarders loot for a reason, I hoard them books, but also love my loot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

haikyuu stans assemble!! i actually have the japanese versions up until volume 8 (but not the first 2 volumes cos the 本屋(ほんや) didn’t have them at the time :frowning_face: ) buuuuut they’re at my parents’ house in the loft cos i couldn’t take all my books with me when i moved house :sweat_smile:

also this just arrived in the post! the majority of the content is not in japanese, but it’s fun to look at the kanji and guess read the meanings. Also the calligraphy is *chef’s kiss*


The first volume of よつばと! was back in stock at so I’m expecting that one as well. The mailman was at the door right when I took the picture so I thought it was delivered, but it was actually Caspian’s Live at Old South Church LP, which in a way is even better :slight_smile:


I spy Chi’s Sweet Home! Nice!


Alright, I’m done. This is not quite all of them, but it should at least be most of the books I have.

Warning: a lot of pictures inside these tags(partially because I was too lazy to rearrange books so they would fit in fewer pictures so instead I just took a photo of the book wherever it already was placed). Like, seriously, I really mean it. Don’t underestimate the warning. I took a ton of pictures.

Physical books



now this is what i’m talking about!!

i tried not to underestimate how many pictures there were, and i was still wrong :laughing: this is amazing !!!


Hey, uhm… do you happen to like books?

How long did it take you to take photos / screenshots of everything? That is an insane amount of books :laughing:


And here I was thinking “hmm, @Ditto20 was supposed to post photos later and didn’t. I wonder what happened”. Now I believe taking these photos/screenshots really took you full 18 hours :grin:


Nice books


Experiencing some serious envy looking at these photos! I don’t like owning a lot of things but man the dream has never changed from wanting an entire library room one day. So, rather than take a photo of everything, because I tend to pass on a lot books after I’ve read them, I thought I’d share the ones that are always going to be a part of the collection.

These six books were actually bought for me, if my memory serves correctly, 17 years ago by my grandparents. They found these books in a charity shop in Hastings of all places, are were over the moon when I told them a year ago that I’d finally started reading them. :sweat_smile: I’ve never read Grimms’ Fairy Tales in English, but looking forward to tackling this first volume this year.

Three years ago I was staying in an Airbnb in Dublin which was a larger building converted into smaller apartments/rooms. In the entrance hall there was a communal bookshelf where you were encouraged to take a book and leave a book. Took these two, left three books. Seems whoever left these was quite the fan of food, as the book on the left is a series of essays about food by various authors (the second essay is about a London pub so I’ll be reading that one when I’m finally able to!), and the other is a translation of Michael Booth’s Sushi and Beyond: What the Japanese Know About Cooking.


I’m starting to wonder if you are a kanji


Regretfully, I haven’t! I’ve heard enough good things it’s very high on the list though. I read enough manga last year it felt like I build up some backlog, and that was one where Kinokuniya reliably had it so now I have it…

If it helps buying-decision wise - I’m not sure about the overall level, but it’s a Jump book (or was a Jump book?) so flipping through it’s got full furigana over everything. Aspirational reading material (and sunk cost…) can be a powerful motivator, but prudence is also very wise.

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Mine are spread across four shelves.

This shelf is stuff that was mostly purchased in the 90s.

This shelf is my reference material, also mostly 25 year old purchases.

And then my recent purchases from the last few years. This reflect the stuff I’ve read recently or hoping to read soon.

And finally the manga and children’s books.


I separate my books according to “read” and “unread” - when I was young, I didn’t even put my books on a shelf until I’d read them, but now the volume of unread books in my apartment far exceeds the amount of desk and table space I have, so I have “read” and “unread” bookshelves. (“Currently reading” books live in a haphazard pile on the table next to my couch)

Here’s the Japanese section of my “unread” bookshelf

Look at all those unfinished grammar books~

And here’s the Japanese section of my “read” bookshelf, for the Japanese books I’ve finished
although I just realized that some of those stacked-up books on the top are ones I haven’t read whoops

Looks like just one shelf of Japanese books in that bookshelf…
But if you look behind the screen on the top shelf
There’s also
secret unread Japanese bookshelf :sparkles: because I ran out of space in the Japanese section of the “unread” bookshelf :woman_facepalming: