Short Japanese Culture Questions

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:newspaper: Newspapers usually have a bit of ā€œfunā€ content after the actual news articles, for example, comics, crossword puzzles, sudoku, simple recipes, quizzes (that might require you to listen to a certain radio show for the questions), historical anecdotes and comments about local places from readersā€¦are among some of the things Iā€™ve seen in Swedish newspapers over the years.

But, what about Japanese newspapers? (Iā€™m thinking paper editions here, though I guess, some of this content might have also migrated online (?))

Does anyone here regularly buy Japanese newspapers or subscribe to them, and can tell us about the ā€œoddā€ content besides news in the paper? :slight_smile: :newspaper_roll:

For example, do Japanese newspapers have comics rather than manga in them, or is there nothing of the sort? (for example political comics) :thinking:

What about food recipes? Puzzles and quizzes?