Since shiritori is a fun and popular game, and there seem to be a lot of inquiries in the WK Community about practicing grammar and speaking, here might be a way to promote extra learning while having fun at the same time. I’ve never tried this before, but maybe it could work?
Rules are based on the original shiritori thread’s.
THE ルール
・Sentences can neither begin nor end with ん
・The first person writes a Japanese sentence (preferably of your own making)
・The next person writes a new Japanese sentence, beginning with the same character sound as the LAST character sound of the previous writer’s sentence.
- If that last character is a kanji such as 物 with a reading of もの, then the next sentence should begin with the sound の
Example shiritori chain:
- この宇宙電車は急行、土星行きです
- 寿司が一番好きな食べ物
- 農業大学の入学試験に合格できた
To make life easier if you’re stuck:
・You can use either casual or formal Japanese
・If you can’t think of a word to start with, use a name instead (the above #3 example ends with た, so the next sentence could start with a name like 高橋さん or たけし君)
・If it’s difficult to come up with your own sentence, use an example sentence from your WK lessons and change a word or two
For the vocabulary 今すぐ, the first WK example sentence is 今すぐ、会いに行きましょう。If you are writing a shiritori sentence beginning with the い sound and want to use 今すぐ, you could make a sentence like 今すぐ、買いに行きましょう。
Grammar doesn’t have to be perfect, of course, since we’re all still learning (and even natives make mistakes … do you know and adhere to all the grammatical rules in your own native language? I sure don’t
). I suppose if there’s a glaring error that disrupts the meaning of the sentence, then another WK user could offer a friendly correction?
What do you think? If you like this idea, let’s give it a go: