I’ve been wondering what I could best do to prevent myself (and others) from falling into leech traps.
One idea I’ve been noodling on is if it would be possible to warn me at the time I’m first learning something that it’s a common leech. I’m been thinking something like this on the lesson page:
I think different people have different leaches. Sure, some may be more common than others, but I think you would be better off just focusing on your critical items list.
I think this would only work if the script was purely to advise people of common leeches. Saying that an item is not a common leech is the fastest way to make it into one.
The critical items list isn’t good for showing you your leeches. I very rarely have critical items, but I have quite a few items that I routinely get up to enlightened and fail on the burn review repeatedly.
I don’t think there’s any good way to know or collect that information.
From recent leech calculations via my site at wanikanitools-golang.curiousattemptbunny.com (admittedly a small sample size), I’m able to put together some basic categorizations:
Speaking as a web developer (mostly server-side, but still full-stack), it looks pretty good. I do have a couple of suggestions:
Line 26 (Style gripe): operators and operands should be spaced out, as it makes things easier to read.
var key = type + ' | ' + characters;
Lines 33-39: I’d swap out the if/else if/else block at with a switch block (switches are slightly more efficient for this kind of thing)
switch(leech_indicator[key]) {
case "mild":
$('#leech-o-meter').show().css('background-color', 'yellow').attr('title', 'A leech for 10-20% of people.');
case "yellow":
$('#leech-o-meter').show().css('background-color', 'orange').attr('title', 'A leech for 20-30% of people.');
case "red":
$('#leech-o-meter').show().css('background-color', 'red').attr('title', 'A leech for 30%+ of people!');
$('#leech-o-meter').show().css('background-color', 'red').attr('title', "You shouldn't see me, since I'm not on the list of levels");
I’m working on an extension to the script to record my wrong answers. The idea being that it’s possible to infer what my confusion is and that that can be shared as a warning to others. Here’s the kind of data I’m collecting to being with: