Scaling the review mountain part 7 - The Final Chapter

Congrats! I hope that we’ll still see you around here in the forums from time to time :slight_smile: Now you can really enjoy your life after WK (WK afterlife?)


Congratulations :partying_face: That was a massive undertaking and YOU DID IT!


And finally, after years of work, you did it. This was quite fun to follow along, and I’m sure it was quite the adventure for you.

I wish you the absolute best in future Japanese learning endeavours!



Wasn’t this exactly the title of your level 60 celebration post, @Cr_nch ? :laughing:


It was also the last message of the dolphins to humanity before they returned to their own planet, in case you’re missing the reference. :stuck_out_tongue:


Uhh, yeah, I’m definitely missing the reference :sweat_smile: What do you mean?

The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the ‘Star Spangled Banner’, but in fact the message was this: So long and thanks for all the fish.


It’s a reference to hitchhicker’s guide to the galaxy! As is so beloved by most of WK (including vocab).

Basically the earth gets destroyed at some point, and when it does, all the dolphins leave with the quote “so long and thanks for all the fish”.

Idk if that reference is exclusive to the movie or if it also happens in the book but either way it does


but yeah it was I just didn’t feel like mentioning anything because tbh it was a pretty easy play on words


The reference is the same across all media - movie, books, TV series, the original radio play…


It is both a line from the first book, and the title of the fourth one.


Well now, there’s some homework for you. Read the first two to four books, or watch the 80s TV series or listen to the radio play. Not knowing hitchhiker’s guide on the internet is a bit like not knowing Monty python and the holy grail.

Book 5 (Mostly Harmless) is ok too, but not up to the first four. The Eoin Colfer book 6 (And Another Thing) is missable - I actually like Eoin Colfer’s own stuff, but And Another Thing is trying to hard to be Adams and ends up in much the same uncanny valley as Pratchett’s first two books before he found his own voice. I also don’t dislike the movie but it’s too abbreviated to be a good first version.


Guys can we have 1 thread that isn’t about fish?!

But seriously, grats on finishing the climb to 0.


Congrats! おめでとう!


Man, it’s so weird not doing WK anymore. Just now, I was thinking out of habit that it was about time to do my nightly WK log update, only to realize that that isn’t a thing anymore (but then I decided to write this post about that anyway).

Anyway, this morning, I experimented with doing JPDB instead, now that I’m no longer doing WK. I’m not sure why, but I’ve always found JPDB to be more frustrating, but hopefully that will help with learning more vocab.


JPDB definitely has its quirks. The main pitfall to watch out for is dubious words where the language parser has got confused and given you a rare or implausible word; I check the example sentences and make liberal use of the blacklist option when I’m adding new words if I’m not sure something it’s given me is really right.


I love the quirks. JPDB taught me “back scratcher”

Context: there was no back scratcher involved in the book I was reading, just literally a grandma holding her grandchild’s hand :joy:

@I_I not sure if that’s what you’re looking for but I just made a thread with a list of JPDB decks: List of JPDB Prebuilt Decks


I just pasted the text of all the stories on Satori Reader in as a custom deck.

And yes, I’m aware that aggressive blacklisting is required on JPDB. I also normally blacklist anything that seems like grammar, and also blacklist words where there are multiple words with the same spelling (normally single kanji).


FYI, I decided to do a followup challenge four months later where I go through all remaining unburnt items again in hopes of burning some.. This time there will only be 1569 reviews to start, so it shouldn’t take too long, right?