Sasuga - App to Practice for the JLPT

Hi everyone!

I started developing an app to practice for the JLPT. I intend to use it myself for the N3 this year. Version 1 has 10 questions about the first section of the N4 test. The question and answer order randomize each time.

I plan to post here whenever I make a new version.

If you want to try it, there is a web version.

[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask]


 I’ll admit that when I first started the quiz it confused the hell out of me, as there were no instructions and I didn’t realize that what you were aiming for was to choose 1, 2, 3 or 4 based on the reading of what was within the brackets. So for the first two or three items I just clicked randomly. Also, there are no progress indicators (yet), which also confused me just a bit.

I found the font to be much too small for me to comfortably read the text - the kanji in many cases is so blurry on my browser that I could not clearly identify the strokes.

And yet on my only attempt I got 7 out of 10.

BTW, in some places you have typos: JLTP instead of JLPT. Also, I did not realize at first that (I think) you are brightflask. And, I had no idea of what was all about.

But it’s good to see that you’ve actually created something that may help in your studies. (I’d like to get some hands-on experience with a game development system, but I’m probably going to try something like Godot instead of Unity (was it?). - The “speed of thought” is so much faster than the “speed of doing”, which in my case means that a lot of projects don’t get much farther than the ‘thinking stage’ - so I’m impressed with your ability to follow through and actually build stuff.

(The results don’t seem to be able to scroll to show all 10 items, BTW - well, that’s not correct, sorry - it appears that the scrollbar is too narrow for me to easily grab it.)

Thanks for the feedbacks!

I updated it to v2

  • Increased font size
  • Corrected typos
  • Increased number of questions
  • Added ui transitions
  • Increased UI size

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Updated to Sasuga v3

This time it has the proper order of the first questions of the JLPT N4 Vocabulary section. You will get 7 kanji reading then 5 orthography exercises.

The plan is to get the N4 Vocabulary with all questions in this month and start the Grammar ones.

Link to project >>> Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask

Hi all!

Updated to Sasuga v4:

  • All N4 Vocabulary test section working
  • Time tracked while you are doing the test
  • Some UI improvements

Up next

  • Add all questions for the Grammar section

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

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Hi everyone! I have updated to Sasuga v5.

New on this version:

  • First questions for the N4 Grammar part
  • Added a transition from the Vocabulary to Grammar test sections
  • Increased UI size of choices and questions
  • Fixed UI not showing full text sometimes

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

sasuga v5 flow

Took test for N4

Got 8 questions wrong
 I guess that means I failed :sweat_smile:

Oh well, I’m just a small clumsy cat, so that is to be expected trunky_rolling

Anyway, huge thanks for the app! love

P. S. Some questions:


Shouldn’t there be で after æ¶ˆă—ă‚Žăƒ  though? That’s why I didn’t choose that option

Wait, so, they would return if the rain wouldn’t fall? I thought it would make sense for them to return if rain would start falling
 I guess, I’ve misinterpreted the sentence :sweat_smile:

I’m pretty sure that s is not supposed to be there :sweat_smile:

Glad it helped ya! Will sort those issues out. And ăȘă„ïŒ‹ă†ăĄă« actually means “before it becomes”. Japanese is fun! :smiley:

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Wow, this is nice! Do you have any plans on implementing questions for N5 as well?

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I do have plans for the N5! Right now I want to get one full N4 test working then move on to the other ones.


Hi all! I updated Sasuga to V6!

New on this version:

  • All questions for N4 Grammar
  • All questions for N4 Reading
  • Added a bit of color to the UI

The reading questions required a bit more work. Specially the ones that show a table with some information. I am not super happy with the final result but the plan now is to get one full N4 test working before moving on.

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

sasuga v6


Hmm. :thinking:

Wouldn’t it be, “while it’s not”?

Hello everyone! I updated Sasuga to v7!

New on this version:

I planned on having all N4 listening questions by today but I ended up getting sick the last few days so I couldn’t do much. Almost done with N4!

If you want to try it >>
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

Hi! Have been sick these last few weeks so did not manage to update the app much. Finally got around to it!

On Sasuga v8:

  • All N4 listening questions
  • Results screen at the end breaking down your score
  • During listening exercises a nice audio player for you to use
  • Now there is a nice screen effect when transition

I wanted to get more feedback before moving forward. If you’re interested give it a go and let me know your thoughts!

[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

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Sneak peek on the next version. Started working on first N3 exam questions.

sasuga - exam select


Hi all! Have been busier this past month so progress has slowed down. Never the less the new version is here!

On Sasuga v9:

  • Fixed N4 results calculation not being accurate
  • Fixed audio not pausing and continuing properly during listening exercises
  • Added sound effects when interacting with buttons
  • Added exam selection screen. N4 and N3 are available for now
  • Added N3 with full vocab section and first 18 grammar questions

The plan for the next version is to continue adding more content to N3 and improve the UI as I go along. I want to focus on getting more content for N3 and N4 in before making the UI prettier though.

As always if you want to try it:
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

Hey hey! Got a new version of Sasuga out!

On Sasuga v10:

  • Fixed results sometimes showing broken numbers
  • Added N3 full grammar section
  • Added N3 partial reading section
  • Added option to “end exam” and go straight to the results.

sasuga v10 - popup

Not a lot of “new” things. I had to a lot of behind the scenes things to get N4 and N3 working and making it easy moving forward to add more content.

Next target is to finish N3 reading section and then do N3 listening section.

As always, if you want to try it:
[Sasuga JLPT Master by Bright Flask ]

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Hi everyone. Finally managed to v11 of Sasuga out! Full N3 test available now!

On Sasuga v11:

  • Finished adding N3 listening questions
  • Moved all N4 and N3 grammar and reading questions that had a reading part to a separate popup

This version ended up taking a bit longer because I was having issues making a build for WebGL. For some reason it wasn’t properly loading the questions on the web version. After an investigation I managed to solve it so things should be smoother after this version :slight_smile:

As always, link here:

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Hi guys. Sasuga v12 here! Not many new stuff this time, but quite a cool update!

On Sasuga v12:

  • Profile screen with global average and last exam results
  • Stats are saved between sessions

I added a screen that is going to show you your average time and score based on previous exams. It also shows you when and how well you did on your previous exam. Best of it is that all is stored between sessions!

Here’s the link: