Road to 🍰🍰🍰

Howdy wonderful people of this community, allow me to introduce myself!

Boring self-intro

You can call me Yoda, or whatever moniker you can come up with during my time here lol. I’m fluent in English, Vietnamese, and after failed endeavors to learn French and ASL, here I am taking baby steps to Japanese mastery :sweat_smile:

The allure of Japan, its culture, its people, and its language, above all, is what enticed me to commit to this journey (yes, I may or may not be a weeb as well). I’ve never felt a sense of passion to learn a language like this before, hence I consider it a calling that needs to be heeded. Yes, sometimes I get burnt out from a long day of life but I’m firmly sure I’ll get to the finish line sooner or later!

I know I’m a bit late into my journey to start something like this, but I want to start a diary of sorts to hold myself accountable for my WaniKani progress. If you happen to drop by and see that I haven’t posted in a day or two, please kindly yell at my face and I’ll surely get back to bustin’ my butt!

Please feel free to recommend any tips that helped you on your journey to fluency, share any anime/manga recommendations (English scans/subtitles are preferable at the moment, but hopefully I’ll grow out of them!), or just stop by and chit-chat! I love to listen to people, so don’t be shy :blush:

Brownie points to fans of this anime/manga series:

Anyways, ありがとうございました for reading, and よろしくおねがいします!:pray:


25 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 41
68% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
40 lessons - 0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress


Detailed daily stats




Hey there! It’s always cool to see another study log! Feel free to add it to the Master List of Study Logs if you feel so inclined :blush:

Nah, you’re not late at all! I think I started my study log somewhere around level 20, so you’re much earlier than me :joy: Best of luck ヨダさん! Let’s get this cake!


Waaaa my post actually got noticed!!! ありがとうございます!!!

I’m incredibly impressed at how people manage to get to level 20 and still have a burning passion to keep going, much less level 52!! Senpai, please continue to throw me handy tips about this community along the way, there is just so much to explore… Let’s get this :cake: together! (((o(°▽°)o)))


Awwww stahp you’re making me blush :joy:

One of the great things (I think) about WK is that it gets you into a rhythm of studying at least a little bit every day. Level 20 seems so far away now, but you’ll be there before you know it, and then even further beyond! Also, you should check out the reading resources and stuff - there’s some really great resource lists and book clubs to help with grammar and reading, which you probably should do in conjunction with WK. And for stats you should take a look at wkstats, it has some more progress data that might be useful to you!

:cake: here we come! :blush:




Ohhhhhh Re:Life! Yep I loved that show! I don’t know if there’s any news for a second season though, but maybe I should read the manga :thinking:

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HEYYOOOOOOOO somebody knows their stuff…

If you haven’t heard of the 4 episode OVA that was released to cover the second half of the manga, you should check it out if you want to be fulfilled… it’s kinda rushed but still does the job, you should definitely read the manga if you want some more depth.

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The lovely Saibaneko blessed me with a gift in the POLL thread not too long ago, and I get the feeling that you’ll like it. :wink: (You are taking screenshots of kanji progress, and this is a beautified version!)

That aside, hello fellow WKer! Seeing as how you’re a jedi master, this will be a piece of cake for you! Or should I say… Piece of cake, it will be. :tada:

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Sick, that is!! Beautiful screenshots, there will be from now on. :pray:

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24 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 42
68% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
23 lessons - 4 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats

Notes: Pretty busy day today whoops, got my braces off after 4 years and took care of a bunch of schoolwork. Didn’t get as many lessons in as I intended but why rush myself? Slow and steady wins the race… b( ̄▽ ̄*)


No way! I speak Vietnamese as well. I’m just starting to learn Japanese as well and seeing this post really gives me motivation to keep going and good luck on your studies.

P.S. you should check out Erased and Yesterday wo Utatte if you haven’t already.

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Heyo!!! I think you’ll have to agree that Vietnamese and Japanese have striking similarities, which makes it easier to learn. I’m glad that I was able to motivate you in some shape or form, since motivation can be hard to find at times. Definitely recommend starting your own study log; I will be one of the first likes if you do!

And yes, I will definitely check them out. I’ve heard great things about Erased, so I’m sure the other one will be just as good. ありがとございました!

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23 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 43
69% to N5
0 lessons - 0 reviews left :tada:

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats

Notes: Somehow I managed to do nearly 200 reviews… yet I’ve heard people do 200 reviews AN HOUR usually?? :thinking: Anyways, about to Guru the first radicals, here’s to more suffering. :clinking_glasses:



はじめまして! I have recently just started myself :blush:. I’m curious but have you started learning grammar as well? I’m having a hard time getting myself into textbooks and just doing Wanikani and Anki atm. Lets aim for level 60! :beers:.

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はじめまして!I recently invested in the Genki I textbook and workbook, and while I’m making slow progress, I can definitely say it’s made Japanese grammar less intimidating for me. Although I have my problems about the book being classroom-oriented, I still enjoy it alongside Bunpro, which is a great supplementary resource. I tried doing Tae Kim when I first started, but it was a bit difficult to digest for me because of the way he explained things, but give it a shot and see if it’s your thing.

Level 60, here we come! :partying_face: :man_climbing:

22 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 44
69% to N5 giggles
0 lessons - 0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats


Notes: Slow review day today :sweat_smile: Makes it easier for me to deal with so much going on in my life. Hope everybody has a wonderful day/night wherever you are!!

Finished this series yesterday ^^ 8/10, pretty excited for the movie :smile:


20 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 46
69% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
0 lessons - x0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats

Notes: Got too busy on Friday to do an entry, whoops! I included both today and yesterday’s stats in the screenie, although both days combined were still pretty easy-going compared to when level 5 began. Enjoy the rest of your weekend everybody!



19 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 47
78% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
0 lessons - 0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats



Notes: Wooooooo!!! This diary actually has been going on for A WEEK now. 51 more weeks to go!! It was incredibly satisfying (attempting) to commit to an entire week of logging entries and actually seeing progress, so I think I’ll be doing this for a while (that’s what they all say). I tried to spice up Sunday by adding some stats but if anybody’s got a better way to celebrate another week of grinding do share!!
Got finals creeping up next week (eek) so I’ll have to skip grammar for this week. Wish me luck!!

Just started 2nd season of Haikyuu whoops, really really wanted to read along with the book club but my Japanese is still severely lacking so we’ll have to go for that spike another day! :volleyball:


18 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 49
78% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
22 lessons - 0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats


Happy Monday everyone! Feels good to be Guruing a truckload of stuff :yum: Level 6 will come in no time, and so will N5, and all the other dominos that are gonna come down!



17 days until Christmas :christmas_tree:

Level: 5
Streak: 50
78% to N5 (according to Progress Percentages plug-in)
0 lessons - 0 reviews left

Radicals/Kanji level progress

Detailed daily stats
