Review Time and Statistics

So I was wondering how much time does it take for you to do your reviews. I just did a review of 109 items with 94% correct in 35minutes. It was most of my current level items (Apprentice) plus some old ones (Guru, Master, Enlightened), so I can say that I covered all of my available stages so far. It took me more time for my most recent ones, because I don’t feel quite comfortable with some yet and also with a few old ones that I was on the verge of forgetting. Usually, I try to push myself to answer fast so that I can recall the item with ease later on and I always repeat the reading/meaning story behind each kanji plus its audio.
Given these, how long does it take for you to run through your reviews? Do you keep a different approach during the reviews? Do you complete chunks of 100+ all at once or do you brake them down? Please, share your stats. I hope I’m not very slow

I just realized I posted this on the “API and Third-Party Apps” section. Pfff… Congrats to me!

Hey there! 
I wouldn’t know in which  your thread belongs but I was thinking about the same thing!  I study Japanese at my University I started using WaniKani to practice my Kanji thoroughly. Since I learnt a couple of the Kanji and Radicals in class, I went through the first lesson fairly quickly. I didn’t time myself like you did but I think I would take the same amount of time in later lessons. Good job! :slight_smile: I did the review in one go, by the way. 
What frustrates me, however, is that progress is reaaaaallly slow.  I waited for 4 hours so I can do my reviews again and unlock the other lessons. But after doing the second set, I haven’t unlocked any other radicals or Kanji. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way I can practice the Kanji in stead of the radicals after I have just begun? Please let me know!

Good luck with your studies everyone!

I’m getting worse with more things to remember - my percentage of correct has been around 89%-92% for about 100-130 items. And it takes me at least 40 minutes to go through all of them. 

Probably about ~5 minutes for ~30, ~15 minutes for ~60 and ~30 minutes for ~100 at my slowest. I take longer with longer batches AND with newer reviews. Since I do my reviews multiple times per day, longer reviews tend to be new stuff heavy and I slow down drastically. I am also easily distracted and wander off if WK/my computer are being slow. 
My %age is never lower than 92% but I can’t remember the last time I got 100% on a batch bigger than ~30.

Once I’m employed I might find myself doing larger reviews AND attempting to do them more quickly; I expect my %age average to go down…

Mangatard said... Hey there! 
I wouldn't know in which  your thread belongs but I was thinking about the same thing!  I study Japanese at my University I started using WaniKani to practice my Kanji thoroughly. Since I learnt a couple of the Kanji and Radicals in class, I went through the first lesson fairly quickly. I didn't time myself like you did but I think I would take the same amount of time in later lessons. Good job! :) I did the review in one go, by the way. 
What frustrates me, however, is that progress is reaaaaallly slow.  I waited for 4 hours so I can do my reviews again and unlock the other lessons. But after doing the second set, I haven't unlocked any other radicals or Kanji. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way I can practice the Kanji in stead of the radicals after I have just begun? Please let me know!

Good luck with your studies everyone!
 Sorry, I'm just gonna paste a story I wrote here:

Every time you get an apprentice item right, a turtle egg is heated up somewhere. Heat up the egg 4 times, it hatches and becomes 'guru-ed' (as you call it).

Every time you get it wrong, the last two heatings are forgotten (as the eggs lose their heat, duh), unless you've never got it right before or just once or something, cuz unheated eggs can't just cool down, you get me?

(Serious talk for a second here, intervals in apprentice go 4hours>8hours>24hours>2days for radicals, 4hours>8hours>24hours>3days for kanji and vocab)

Once these radical eggs (because they're awesome, definitely nothing to do with kanji radicals) have hatched to turtles, these turtles can... get together, making a new egg, containing a surprise (Psst: It's a kanji turtle made up of the genes of it's radically cool parents). Same process for kanji eggs to unlock cute little vocab items.

Every now and then, the turtle population hits a surge (when 90% of kanji eggs have hatched), leading to a mass... 乱交 . Many new eggs are created as a result, leading to eggs of all kinds being formed. And the cycle repeats.

Ah, and while I had a thrilling time telling you this (SERIOUSLY THRILLING), there should be some FAQ in the depths of the forum explaining all this stuff in case you want the no bull**** version.

I'm sorry if this unto pics the thread a bit, but I'd rather answer here than have another:

Varies a lot for me, because I get distracted by nearly everything on my computer. But when I go all out, I reckon I do 40-50 in 10 minutes, and I can finish 100 in 25-35 minutes. I get a percentage of about 92%-95% on average.

HatsuHazama said...
Mangatard said...

I'm sorry if this unto pics the thread a bit, but I'd rather answer here than have another:

 Hahahahah. This is getting classic of you ;)

EDIT: Btw congrats on your times! Well done fellow wanikanian

For me it depends where I’m doing the review …

I do a lot of them on my iphone during my commute to work by bus.  So that’s pretty slow, I’d guess it averages out 1-2 items per minute due to 3G connection speed and typing on the virtual keyboard.

It’s much quicker on a full keyboard (obviously) and I can get through 50 reviews in ~10 minutes.

It takes me longer when the site is slow and when the material is less familiar.  (Like many other people, I joined the site with significant amounts of previous Japanese learning experience; I just read the FAQ and the fora and realised it would be stupid to make yet another thread to complain about it g.)

I too am getting more things wrong as I rise through the levels, but I am not bothered about it because it just means I’m learning more material that isn’t already familiar.  The first few levels were all things I already knew except for Koichi’s version of radicals and Koichi’s mnemonics.  Now I’m actually running into words I’ve never seen nor heard before, which is pretty exciting but means that I sometimes miss them legitimately as opposed to because of typos or not paying close enough attention to what I’m doing or having a dyslexic moment.

Koichi says if you’re hitting over 95% every time you’re not learning so much so I’m trying to enjoy my failure.  It actually is much easier for me to learn from computers because my dad practically shit himself whenever I got a B in school; he once made a scene because I got fourth place in the state spelling bee.  I was supposed to WIN.  So I’ve always had trouble learning things because I hate failing.  Wanikani is helping me get over that because as much as I hate seeing that red down arrow, it doesn’t judge me or tell me I’m too smart to be so stupid or tell me that it’s so disappointed and I’m not living up to my potential and why am I not a doctor?

50 in 15 mins. I don’t get less than 90% usually.

yaeltiferet said…

…why am I not a doctor?

 So you don’t get sued for malpractice.

yaeltiferet said...Koichi says if you're hitting over 95% every time you're not learning so much so I'm trying to enjoy my failure.  It actually is much easier for me to learn from computers because my dad practically shit himself whenever I got a B in school; he once made a scene because I got fourth place in the state spelling bee.  I was supposed to WIN.  So I've always had trouble learning things because I hate failing.  Wanikani is helping me get over that because as much as I hate seeing that red down arrow, it doesn't judge me or tell me I'm too smart to be so stupid or tell me that it's so disappointed and I'm not living up to my potential and why am I not a doctor?
Um, I don't remember giving you permission to get inside my head and tell my life story! Get out!