Review batch sizing

is there a script for review batch sizing like there is on the app Jakeipuu?

I saw that Kumirei made a script on this page but I can’t get it to work

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Hello, I am Kumirei. Which script did you install?

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Did you find the settings for it? And did you install WKOF?

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where would I find the settings for it?
also yes, I have WKOF

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In a review session you click the gear in the top left, then settings, then review queue sizer, and there you can set the batch size

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it works
I just did not know about the gear icon
thank you

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No problem! You don’t need it, but just FYI you can also do this with Reorder Omega using a “First” filter

I only see active preset, other, preset list, and actions
I don’t see filters in Reorder Omega
and I don’t see first in any drop down menu in the settings

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Filters are actions in Omega. There are three kinds of actions, sorts, filters, and freeze (an technically shuffle). The idea with Omega is that you create a preset which contains a series of actions (sorts and filters) which modify your queue, so you can add any combination of sort and filter actions that you want. The batch size would then be defined per preset, however

Here I added a “First” filter to the “Speed Demon” preset to select only the first 100 reviews

I understand
thank you very much

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is there a reset to default button?

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For Omega there is not, but you can just delete any added actions or presets

I’m going to hijack this thread, since there isn’t a dedicated thread for this specific script and ask, if you intend to update this script for the new WaniKani version?

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Thanks for reporting it! I’ll take a look when I get the time

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Thanks a lot!

Did you have some time to take a look? Could you figure out what’s wrong?^^

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Sorry, unfortunately I haven’t had time to look at this yet, but it is still on my list, so I will get to it eventually. I have been rather busy in the last few weeks.

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Should be working now with version 1.0.3!


Thank you!