Since the last update of the website, I have a lot of problems during my reviews.
Randomly for one item, I can type all words or nothing, the input will shake and I can’t put anything to answer the question anymore… If I reload the page, I have a chance to see the same item and have the real input with no shake.
I need to reload the page and retry every time… So I can just do 1, 2 or 3 reviews before an other item bug like that. I have some userscript too, so it’s maybe a bug of one of those… but I haven’t seen yet someone with the same problem.
The activated userscripts are :
Wanikani open framework
Level duration 2 (which cause a js error because it didn’t have the good js selector because there is no level zone in review dashboard… I tried to disable it and I have the same issue)
Wanikani override
Wanikani reorder ultime 2
Wanikani real number
Wanikani show specific SRS level in Review
Anyone have any clue of what’s going on ? I really can’t do review like that
Thank’s in advance for any tips !
Edit :
It didn’t happened on mobile app (android official one).
I have also a script blocked by Ublock for privacy reason from this link : (don’t click on it - but if you know what it is, I am curious)
Did you try turning off all scripts and seeing if it still happens? If no scripts trigger it, then simply start turning them on until you start reproing the issue.
Ahhh. That was this little … fuurtive tab ! It’s working well now ! thank you @Belthazar and all :).
Do you think I need to do a mail for this bug ? Or it’s not a bug just a feature ?
Simultaneous? IDK, that was the first thing that came to mind for my joke . I guess it doesn’t really make sense.
But what others are suggesting is that you can use incognito mode, other browser or other device to re-start a session and cheat the system that way because responses are only sent to the server after you correctly answered both meaning and reading for any vocab/kanji item. So if you had a mistake and start over again, that wrong answer won’t be sent to the back-end. It is too much trouble having in mind the ignore button exists, but it is possible to cheat that way.
Can’t really answer for others in regards of motivation, but the great number of users abusing ignore scripts certainly proves users have such desires
Think of Google Analytics, something like that. It’s a third party service.
Newrelic is a product for software logging/reporting/analytics. WK probably uses it to report client usage and errors. I’d say it’s safe to unblock it.