I’m wondering if there’s a way to resurrect the burned items all at once, instead of one by one. I currently have about 400 burned items, but I feel like I’m forgetting some of them as I learn more and more items…
Do you know of a way to resurrect the burned items?
I looked into writing a userscript for doing this a few weeks ago, but I couldn’t find anything in the api that would let you do that easily. I’m not sure if there is really any other way of automating the process other than having the script take control of your browser and go through each item’s page individually to click the button.
Granted, I’m an extremely novice programmer and really have no idea what I’m doing, so take my words with a grain of salt.
Well if you go to the button you see it’s just a link. So you should be able to write a short script in any language that has a network library with support for cookies that queries your burned items and then for each of them queries the server with a /retired/kanji/ query string or something.
You would get them back as thousands of lessons to be learned?, or would they appear as apprentice and give you a hellish review queue? How would that appear on your wanikani?
BreadstickNinja said...
Email hello@wanikani.com and ask them. They resurrected all my kanji at once a couple weeks ago.
Oh. Do tell! :) (I'm a LL strategy geek. ) Did you decide to do this because you had burned all the kanji? Is this a massive review?
I'm finding that reading kanji in context is easy but I want to make sure I can recognize all the kanji alone. I start to get confused between similar looking kanji like 直, 値, and 置, or 幾 and 機, etc., even if they're easy to read in context based on the characters around them. I'm doing it mainly to put everything up on the board right next to each other, so I can realize, "Oh, the き in 機会 is just the 幾 in 幾ら with a tree radical on the left." So really it's just to make sure I really know the radicals in each one and can remember the meaning without context.
Thormakar said...
So, how would that work?
You would get them back as thousands of lessons to be learned?, or would they appear as apprentice and give you a hellish review queue? How would that appear on your wanikani?
Yes, resetting them sends them all back to apprentice. Now that I think about it, OP might really not want to do this if he or she already has regular reviews to work through. It would be nice if WK had a "never-burn" mode where things just keep coming back at some long interval unless you mess it up. Luckily, Doublevil's Houhou SRS program does have this feature!
You would get them back as thousands of lessons to be learned?, or would they appear as apprentice and give you a hellish review queue? How would that appear on your wanikani?
BreadstickNinja said... I'm finding that reading kanji in context is easy but I want to make sure I can recognize all the kanji alone. I start to get confused between similar looking kanji like 直, 値, and 置, or 幾 and 機, etc., even if they're easy to read in context based on the characters around them. I'm doing it mainly to put everything up on the board right next to each other, so I can realize, "Oh, the き in 機会 is just the 幾 in 幾ら with a tree radical on the left." So really it's just to make sure I really know the radicals in each one and can remember the meaning without context.
Do you like to use flashcards? (I know, I know, how old skool.) I have the whiterabbitpress ones and was pulling them out level by WK level to group, but I hadn't really thought of grouping them by radical for review when I finish my first pass with them at L50. It's a great idea to do advanced learning like you outlined, please keep us posted on how this works. (like can you read faster, confuse them less, etc.) I'll make note of resetting WK for when I hit L50. TY!
BreadstickNinja said...Yes, resetting them sends them all back to apprentice. Now that I think about it, OP might really not want to do this if he or she already has regular reviews to work through. It would be nice if WK had a "never-burn" mode where things just keep coming back at some long interval unless you mess it up. Luckily, Doublevil's Houhou SRS program does have this feature!
1. I believe this is what they just changed in iKnow! They are using some SRS formula to periodically test you on items that have been 'burned' in your 'mastered' courses. So even over time the mastered items fall under the bar into the re-test camp. It truly makes sense.
2. Unfortunately Houhou doesn't support the Mac platform :(
jakobd said...
Well if you go to the button you see it's just a link. So you should be able to write a short script in any language that has a network library with support for cookies that queries your burned items and then for each of them queries the server with a /retired/kanji/ query string or something.
Ah, I see that now.
Interesting, so how does one's api key play into this? Would navigating to that link while being logged in be enough to do it?
EDIT: Did a quick test, and navigating to that link while logged out takes me to a blank page
EDIT: Did a quick test, and navigating to that link while logged out takes me to a blank page
That's why I said you have to send regular cookies. If I would be to write something like this for myself I would just hard-code my own cookies from my browser into it.
Oh wow, thank you so much everyone, I really didn’t think my post would start a conversation haha. Thank you for you advice, I’m not a programmer, and even though I’m very eager to learn, as of today, I don’t have enough time to put into such a project… so I’ll send an email to the Wanikani team and keep you updated on what happens
Thank you again!
BreadstickNinja said...
Email hello@wanikani.com and ask them. They resurrected all my kanji at once a couple weeks ago.
O_O Out of curiosity i clicked your profile. Your apprentice count... good god. I take my hat off to you good Sir. May your feet be light and my your mind be sharp. I'm struggling with a 230 apprentice count lol.
it took a while for an answer, but Viet sent me an email to tell me that they were going to proceed to the resurrection of my burned items, and beforehand they wanted to know what level I wanted my items to be resurrected to. I chose Guru level 1 (cause I didn’t think I needed to put myself through 500+ items going straight to apprentice, but I did want to review them more than once or twite before re-burning them again).
Anyway, success! \o/ Thank you for your help and advice!
That idea for resurrecting as Guru was a brilliant one. I brought back about 1200 kanji, which means 4800 reviews just to get them all to Guru 1 level… I probably could have planned that one better!
Oh god, I wish you much luck, patience and perseverance!
For my reviews, I was saved by the Wanikani app improvement that allows to group the items so that you review the meaning and the reading if each at the same time and not randomly throughout the review, and also the reordering improvement allowing me to first review the radicals and kanji that I had learned shortly before the resurrections, so I could still move on