Back in December of 2018 I purchased the lifetime membership with full intentions of being at level 60 within 2 years. I quickly made it to level 11 (I think, somewhere around there) but then my wife got pregnant and well life happened, and we had a perfect baby, and I just lost the fire I guess! My free time shrunk exponentially and Japanese just took a big back seat, as I am learning it for absolutely no reason other than that I love languages, love Japan, and really I just want to be able to read Japanese books. Also I think I just love the idea of mastering something that is so difficult. Anyway, for the last 18 months or so I have not been studying Japanese at all. About a week ago I picked it back up to see if the spark was still there, and I’ll tell you what, the fire is back! I restarted my WaniKani from Level 1 because I truly thought I had forgotten everything. Turns out I actually remember more than expected, the more I see, the more I remember, though I am still glad I restarted. On Level 2 now and going strong haha. Hopefully this time I will stick with it and make it all the way to level 60. Wish me luck!
Good luck, and welcome back!
I restarted from being around the same level I am now, somewhere in the 30s, and I have no regrets. I’d stopped keeping up because life happened, and then I ended up moving to Japan, and just didn’t have the time between everything - came back to a review pile just not worth looking at My habits were very sporadic last time around (like I’d do reviews twice a week if I was lucky…) but this time I’ve been much more stable and motivated with it, and keep up as much as possible. Though I don’t have a baby to look after, haha. Still going strong though! Hope it’s as fruitful for you as it is for me!
Welcome back and best of luck!
There’s the Asylum for WK parents thread should you ever need it
I didn’t know about that thread, thanks I’ll check it out!
I was at Level 31 and took about 3 years off. I decided to reset to Level 11 and it’s a good mix of things I knew, things I forgot, and the new vocab and mnemonics that I need to catch up on.
Good luck on your journey to level 60 and congrats on the baby!
Great to hear! I hope you make it.
I’m also returning to Wanikani, and somewhat to Japanese (my focus is on Latin and Greek first, but I want to “stay in the game” with Japanese). What I find interesting is how meditative Wanikani has become. After so many years using the site, the experience of typing out the answers calms and focuses me.
Welcome back! Congratulations on the new baby!!
Good luck!
Good luck! I used to be somewhere in the 30s. I also reset after a long time away and it’s been good for me so far!
Good luck! I just reset back to level 1 recently too after 3-4 years off. I got up to level 36 I think at my highest.
Welcome back to Wanikani
Good luck
I was in a similar spot, started in 2015, then dropped out around level 10. I came back at the end of 2019 and also reset to level 1.
Now over a year later I’m still going strong and hoping to reach level 60 this year. Best of luck to you too!
I’m in a similar boat. I bought lifetime with every intention of getting to level 60 then I got pregnant and only recently got back to the point where my brain is functioning properly again so I reset to level 1 and am now level 4
Hi welcome back! I’m just returning after my (second) 6 month break, and hoping to see make it to level 40 at least before I take another hiatus haha
If you want a study group this thread is really supportive and allows you to track your progress while people cheer you on
Welcome back 親父
I can relate to how you feel.
This happened to me twice. My wife gave me two beautiful babies within a year of each other, and both times I had to shift (happily) from kanji learning to Daddy duties. But after a long hiatus both times, I got back on the horse and continue riding. I am now plugging away, just hit 36 today, and am hoping to pass the JLPT N2 this summer.
So best of luck to you friend, I know your struggles. Slow and steady wins the race! I’ll see you at 60!
Welcome back. I’m right there with ya, I just restarted lvl. 40 down to 2 (year and a half of hard work!). I’ll meet you up at the top.
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