Returning after almost 2 years

I haven’t used this site to study since June 2022 (shortly before that I got a new, demanding job that has been consuming my life).

Then, recently, I’ve been watching a ton of YouTube content in Japanese (with English and sometimes Japanese subtitles) and it inspired me to log into WaniKani again. I was fully expecting to have forgotten almost everything, but immediately upon my return I burned an item (and got a few more things right). I’m totally shocked by the brain’s ability to stealthily retain information, lol.


Wow that’s crazy. I can’t imagine remembering the radicals that long.

Welcome back. I’ve been coming and going since 2017. Almost there lol.


Nice. Welcome back! :slight_smile:

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i’ll be reaching level 20 soon i think, around my 1-year-anniversary of wanikani. so i guess i’m slower than usual–that’s fine!


Welcome back! I returned after a similar length of time around 9 months ago. I wish I was further along, but im deliberately slowing down this time to avoid burning out. Good luck ^_______^