Resetting levels

HELP. I think I just made a mistake.

I have been gone from Wanikani for a couple of months and had ~500 reviews when I came back. For a couple of weeks, I have been trying to lower this number, it wasn’t going well. So I decided to reset my levels to level 1 (I was on level 7).

Do you think it was a mistake?


I’ve been through several resets on my way to level 60, and I can say that the important thing is to start moving again. It’s better to reset to level 1 and start doing reviews again than to keep contemplating the ever-growing pile of reviews, trying to muster the willpower to start doing them :sweat_smile:

May the Great Cat of Purrseverance help you succeed this time! wricat


I think resetting is usually a mistake, but from level 7 to 1 it’s just a happy little mistake. And like trunklayer says, the most important thing is to keep shmoving.


I reset once to level 1 and once to level 5. You tried to reduce the number, but couldn’t quite manage it, right? Then, I definitely don’t think it was a mistake! Having a bunch of reviews can be really demotivating. At that point, it’s better to take the course of action that ensures you meet your goal—whatever that may be—resetting is certainly better than the worst-case scenario of giving up altogether!


It may take some time to get back, but I believe in you and wish you the best of luck! :heart:


I went back from level 8 to zero after a long break and retrospectively I’ve felt that it would have been just as good and very likely faster to just stay at level 8 for a while and work through the frustration in the reviews for a few week/months (however long it would have taken) — but I don’t regret resetting:) Unless you’re a speedrunner learning 2000+ kanji takes years so a few weeks of superfluous repetition doesn’t really matter much. Just enjoy having an easier time with the re-do levels for a while and soon you’ll be back to learning new material again.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it once more… Trust the SRS !!

Seriously, if you know a word, it will only appear few times. If you don’t, it will come back soon. Either way, SRS will sort them out and you will remember them sooner than you think. Just stop taking new lessons for a while and do just reviews. You can do 10 at a time, use the “wrap up” button to finish review sessions.

It is much faster and more efficient to just deal with 500 reviews than to reset. I get around 200 reviews after a weekend spent away from home and I always clear it up before leaving on saturday morning. I just do 1-2 hour long session on sunday evening and that’s it. If you feel like you get too many reviews overall, lower number of lessons per day.


I dropped out halfway through level 9 and ended up with 600 reviews. Id also not been paying attention during my level 9 lessons prior to my break.
I decided to reset to level 8 and my review pile dropped to 200, and they were almost all items I had known for a while (guru and above) so I cleared it quite quickly.
I’m now just starting level 10, and my knowledge of 9 is much more robust.

In future if you are worried and feel you need a reset, from my experience you could try doing just a one level reset and not regret it.

Just keep on going, you’re going to do great. If it feels depressing going back through old content and WK feels like a chore, try adding in some other exciting things to keep your passion up for Japanese - reading, watching, listening to people on YouTube (Miku real Japanese is a go to for me).


I recently reset to 0 and I don’t regret it! If I hadn’t I would have just been stuck feeling overwhelmed by a huge review pile and would have made no progress. Instead, thanks to resetting I’m back in a good routine and making progress.

Only you can say whether it’s a mistake for you. But really, it can’t be undone, so why waste mental energy worrying about it? Just accept your new reality and start moving forwards.

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yikess lol