Request for an extension or information leading to an app that gives reading/meaning sequentially

As the title suggests, well, if you make sense of it - I’m looking for an extension that can order your reviews so that items are completed within 2 turns. I.e. when you get something and it asks for the reading or meaning, the next slide will be the same item and it’s counterpart meaning or reading. The reason I want this is not because I am a super badly disciplined WK disciple. It’s because I’ve been on a break for a while and I’m getting over 500 reviews to do. Considering that I may not have the time to do these all right now, I am going to get fed up if I answer only halves - have a break - and then find I will have to repeat all the slides I did not do fully to progress. It would mean that I will always have a certain amount of wastage in my reviews.

I wonder if anyone else has had similar experiences and if they have any idea how the numbers crunch for what percentages you had reviewed only half of, etc. As far as I know some extensions may already attempt to put the meaning reading pairs closer together but I’m not sure, and as far as I know WK may already behave in a way that ensures they are not too far apart in the reviews - but for reviews that start to get to obscene sizes, I wonder.

Usually if you do a chunk of reviews you’ll tend to get the reviews in chunks. If you do a significant number of reviews of your 500 (say 100 or so) you’ll probably not get more than 10 or so stragglers or halves get left behind. If you get back to your reviews soon enough then you might not even need to review both halves, I’ve come back to reviews after a while and only had to do the 2nd half of my review for it to count.

On the other hand, if you do have this addon, it creates a bad tendency to group the meaning and the reading together which is a less productive way of reviewing your material. They’re separated for a reason.

I feel your pain though, I’ve been there with 1600 reviews before. I started to get a bit overwhelmed tonight when I got 250 reviews just since last night since I went out to dinner instead of doing my WK reviews, oops.

Yeah. Well I think there needs to be some kind of thought given to how to make WK balance itself with LIFE. It’s off-putting to come back after a while to be inundated with a massive block of reviews… I guess that’s just a thing we all have to face up to when we’re signing up to remembering Japanese words.

I’ve been paying closer attention to the frequency of items getting progressed and I guess there’s not really any grounds for my complaint actually, I suppose I could just count the number of slides I’m doing and see how many are progressed by the end of a session to see just how many get left over

defaye said..Yeah. Well I think there needs to be some kind of thought given to how to make WK balance itself with LIFE. It's off-putting to come back after a while to be inundated with a massive block of reviews.. I guess that's just a thing we all have to face up to when we're signing up to remembering Japanese words.
 There is a way which you have direct control over. Like with any SRS, if you start to get overwhelmed the way to slow down the pace is to stop adding new material. In WK's case, this means stop doing lessons. You don't want to stop the reviews, because you can't stop the rate at which you will forget things, and that's what the reviews are there to catch.  Then when your daily reviews get back to a more comfortable level, start doing lessons again. It's a tradeoff of how quickly you want to learn vs how much time you have to study.

This is easy to apply in my Reorder script: /t/WaniKani-Review-Order-RadicalKanjiVocab-order-Userscript-Extension/2928/1
if you still want it, i can make a separated button to make it sequentially, just give me a feedback in my userscript topic.

defaye said... Yeah. Well I think there needs to be some kind of thought given to how to make WK balance itself with LIFE. It's off-putting to come back after a while to be inundated with a massive block of reviews.. I guess that's just a thing we all have to face up to when we're signing up to remembering Japanese words.

I've been paying closer attention to the frequency of items getting progressed and I guess there's not really any grounds for my complaint actually, I suppose I could just count the number of slides I'm doing and see how many are progressed by the end of a session to see just how many get left over
 I totally agree.

alucardeck said... This is easy to apply in my Reorder script: /t/WaniKani-Review-Order-RadicalKanjiVocab-order-Userscript-Extension/2928/1
if you still want it, i can make a separated button to make it sequentially, just give me a feedback in my userscript topic.
 I would love a button that when pressed would re-order the items in rad-kanj-voc order at any point of the review session.

You know what I would like? To be able to order in reviews by level, because when I don’t have time to do my whole pile of reviews, I’d rather do the ones that are recently learned and appear for their first or second review first, while the ones which are there for their one month or more review get pushed back to later since it matters less if I do those tomorrow or later in the week for SRS sake.

puckyducky said... You know what I would like? To be able to order in reviews by level, because when I don't have time to do my whole pile of reviews, I'd rather do the ones that are recently learned and appear for their first or second review first, while the ones which are there for their one month or more review get pushed back to later since it matters less if I do those tomorrow or later in the week for SRS sake.
 This is almost like cheating, you are effectively reducing the ammount of options to answer.
Juichiro said...
alucardeck said... This is easy to apply in my Reorder script: /t/WaniKani-Review-Order-RadicalKanjiVocab-order-Userscript-Extension/2928/1
if you still want it, i can make a separated button to make it sequentially, just give me a feedback in my userscript topic.
 I would love a button that when pressed would re-order the items in rad-kanj-voc order at any point of the review session.
This isn't what the WaniKani Review Order extension does? (linked above)
Apraxas said...
puckyducky said... You know what I would like? To be able to order in reviews by level, because when I don't have time to do my whole pile of reviews, I'd rather do the ones that are recently learned and appear for their first or second review first, while the ones which are there for their one month or more review get pushed back to later since it matters less if I do those tomorrow or later in the week for SRS sake.
 This is almost like cheating, you are effectively reducing the ammount of options to answer.
 well... I don't think so. But I just mean if I did 40 lessons yesterday, and then today I have time to do 50 reviews and no more, and then I keep getting ones that I learned months ago instead of the ones I learned yesterday, then I can't do my first reviews of the lessons within 24 hours which I think isn't good for my SRS. I don't think it's cheating as much as I wouldn't be doing it to level up but simply because I'd rather add a day to the months old reviews than to the brand new vocab words I learned yesterday.
puckyducky said...
Apraxas said...
puckyducky said... You know what I would like? To be able to order in reviews by level, because when I don't have time to do my whole pile of reviews, I'd rather do the ones that are recently learned and appear for their first or second review first, while the ones which are there for their one month or more review get pushed back to later since it matters less if I do those tomorrow or later in the week for SRS sake.
 This is almost like cheating, you are effectively reducing the ammount of options to answer.
 well... I don't think so. But I just mean if I did 40 lessons yesterday, and then today I have time to do 50 reviews and no more, and then I keep getting ones that I learned months ago instead of the ones I learned yesterday, then I can't do my first reviews of the lessons within 24 hours which I think isn't good for my SRS. I don't think it's cheating as much as I wouldn't be doing it to level up but simply because I'd rather add a day to the months old reviews than to the brand new vocab words I learned yesterday.
 just how many reviews you have? You one can do 200+ reviews an hour....